Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Press Kits / Portfolios Etc
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Press Kits / Portfolios Etc

I have been soliciting business from some more upscale clients instead of the usual bars and taverns etc.  Trying to get more of a contractual steady gig.
(which of course I'm hoping pays MORE)
example of some :
County Fairs
Local Town and County Functions
State Fairs  

Most are requesting I send them a 'PRESS KIT" AND SOME PICS.

Whats in a press kit ?  Where do I go to get one ?  Does anyone use or have one
that I could see as an example .....  any suggestion ???

Author:  Isis [ Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press Kits / Portfolios Etc

In the theater world this is just an informational packet about your show...I would guess it would be the same.  You should prolly include:

History of your company
Prior events you have hosted
Information about yourself
Any promotional materials you may have like a flyer
Pictures of your clients and equipment

Author:  Guest [ Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press Kits / Portfolios Etc

Beautiful.....yet so knowledgeable.....I'm impressed.....I bet you're an awesome singer too........I smart like chicken.....used to be strong like bull.....now I'm like that old guy "in the wedding singer".....the one that takes a swing at that guy, and his fist kinda just stops in front of the guys face, and he says "I use to be much stronger"...then Sandler gets punched by the guy, that the old guy swung at....my oldest daughter calls me Fragile(the way the dad in Christmas Story pronounces it).......she made me two Tshirts that say that....lol....it's rough getting old.....so when you gonna sub a song?......jj

Author:  wallyd2 [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Press Kits / Portfolios Etc

About 5 years back we did a City Festival where we had to entertain the crowd for 2 hours as the opening act to a local band.  It was a lot of fun, we ran karaoke but our singers were pre-arranged.  We divided the 2 hours into 3-5 minute time slots and signed up some of the areas best singers that we encountered during our regular weekly gigs.  It was really cool to introduce a lot of the townsfolk to our karaoke DJs and about 25 local singers.

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