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Karaoke Gets Its Bad Rep From Bars
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Author:  kcultist [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke Gets Its Bad Rep From Bars

Except in certain backwoods backwards parts of the country where bars are the height of low life melieu, bars give karaoke a bad name and remain a big part of the cheap stigma associated with it in the pop culture.

If karaoke gets its bad rep from bars and drunks, here's a word to the wise. If you want a safer, more fun show, try for an upscale nightclub or restaurant. Live music in bars is a joke. And karaoke is much worse.

Author:  big jimmy c [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh boy, Here comes another new can of worms.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not even.

Many upscale clubs give karaoke a good name. Well run shows, talented KJs, and good singers create a good name for karaoke.
(And draw crowds) :D

(If fact, I remember you sayin' there were some good clubs in L.A.)

While it's also true that a "Low Life Bar" in "B u t t Crack Texas" may not have the above requirements, they all seek their own level just like a pond of water.

Life is in fact, a "Bell Curve". Some sing on the high end, some on the low end. (Of the curve)

Most, hang out in the middle.

(With you and I)

Just observin'


Author:  knightshow [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

agreed jd...

Karaoke bar venues are notoriously well mannered and behavied. I used to HATE bar scenes not only for the "meat market" type following, but also the loser "barfly" image...

In the better karaoke bars I've been to, as a pure testimonial, this is NOT the same situation at all!! In fact, the bar bands atmosphere is still like I described above... much more than the latter.


Author:  dbk1009 [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 6:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

In Florida, they put a new wrinkle in it....

Now if a bar has over 10% food sales, then you cannot smoke there. This is hurting, because many singers are smokers, and it is driving business out of the upscale resaurants/bars.

Unlike NY and CA- which barred smoking everywhere, this 'loophole' makes it almost impossible to maintain an upscale show.

Any suggestions for this situation??

Author:  Barry James [ Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:02 am ]
Post subject: 

I can't quite get a handle on this. What do you define as a bar?
In England nearly all pubs have a bar and a lounge. Are we talking about the same thing or are you talking about just a drinking den? :oops:

Author:  big jimmy c [ Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Barry, Here in NY we have a longtime chain of "pubs" called "Blarney Stone". I haven't been to one since I was 20 but they might be similar to your pubs.

When you come in the door on the right is a nice large long bar, On the left is a nice long hot food counter with such great tasting food as corned beef and Baked beans.

The last time I was at a blarney Stone was with my late father back in the late 70's.

I just found one of his old pictures from before he passed. He was flashing his dentureless grin, He was missing 3 front teeth, Not from tooth decay but from visiting some of the finer pubs here and having great interaction with the fine clientele therein.

He was a tough old Brooklyn boy who loved corned beef and beans and an ice cold brew.

Author:  Barry James [ Sun Jul 20, 2003 3:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Would have liked to have met him, Jimmy!
My kind of guy!

Author:  kcultist [ Sun Jul 20, 2003 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

By bar, I mean a hole in the wall dive that cater to drunks where karaoke is a novelty. If you look at most of the complaints in here about rowdy patrons, it seems that most of these incidents occur in bars and not more upscale venues. Of course, there are good bars and bad ones. But it's the bad one that give karaoke a bad rep. And that's no can of worms. It's fact.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Jul 20, 2003 4:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

South of L.A., we have "Imperial County", largely agricultural, and an "Old Time" type of bar/pub/card club set of rules.

They have food on the left front, the bar is on the right front, and the card club is in the back.

That's why we "Liquor in the front, Poker in the rear" in Imperial County.

B u t t no karaoke.

Just sayin'


Author:  StarKaraoke [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 2:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh yeah, those bars they give karaoke a bad name - just like they give bands a bad name! (MMM I don't think so) Lollapalooza , karaoke IS amatuer hour. Karaoke opens up the stage to the average Joe/Jane like open mic with a band. Interactive entertainment. Now some very good singers get a chance to strut their stuff along with the night on the town warrior. Keep in mind the operator helps determine the professionalism of the show. The place you choose to play can make a difference, as well as the kind of crowd you choose to play to. It is the same for bands, and DJ's not just for karaoke.

Author:  blondekj [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

dbk1009 wrote:
In Florida, they put a new wrinkle in it....

Now if a bar has over 10% food sales, then you cannot smoke there. This is hurting, because many singers are smokers, and it is driving business out of the upscale resaurants/bars.

Unlike NY and CA- which barred smoking everywhere, this 'loophole' makes it almost impossible to maintain an upscale show.

Any suggestions for this situation??

Tell 'em to sell more booze?? LOL! Bars in VA have the same problem, only in reverse. They must maintain a certain percentage of total sales in food, in order to maintain their liquor license. Believe me....there is a lot of "juggling" that goes on, in regard to whether it is food or alcohol being sold.

Author:  big jimmy c [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

" Obvious Loophole" Put the food in a blender and pour it into a glass, Liquid food.

Author:  kcultist [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Small bars still suck for karaoke

Again, I'm talking about small bars with little or no acoustics that have no business featuring live music or karaoke. Places like that tragic dump fire trap in Rhode Island. Out here in LA we're lucky. Drunks and smokers are second class citizens who tend to gravitate towards the cheap bars and dives. Only in a larger upscale nightclub that just happens to sell drinks can you breathe and relax.

Author:  Barry James [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 12:41 am ]
Post subject: 

If drinkers and smokers didn't attend my shows I'd be singing on my own!
What's the world coming too?

Author:  Barry James [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 12:44 am ]
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In fact, even I wouldn't be there!

Author:  kojak [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 12:53 am ]
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I don'rt think that karaoke has a bad name. I think that many, but not all, of the establishments that have karaoke, have bad names. The fact that people go into bars, get drunk, then behave poorly, has nothing to do with karaoke.

Author:  big jimmy c [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 4:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Kcultist wrote: ""Out here in LA we're lucky. Drunks and smokers are second class citizens who tend to gravitate towards the cheap bars and dives. ""

I'm getting a creepy mental picture of bars like the ones in the movie "Bar Fly" with Micky Rourke and Fay Dunaway

Author:  Barry James [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 4:23 am ]
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Is LA trying to put the State of Virginia out of business (inhales deeply and has another slurp of Vodka)

Author:  kcultist [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 1:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you, Jimmy. That's my point. I'm talking about barfly dives. Small bars where people go to get drunk, move a day closer to death with their cancer sticks and make trouble for singers. I'm not talking about all bars. There are good ones that have enough space and class and serve food and there are holes in the wall which give karaoke a bad name. It may mean good business. But smoke and drink are still poisons that kill us all in slow motion. And I wanna live long enough to see the Red Sox win without having to worry about risking my health for a karaoke song.

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