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PA Speaker Buying Guide (This might be of some help to some)
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Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  PA Speaker Buying Guide (This might be of some help to some)

http://www.sweetwater.com/shop/live-sou ... -guide.php

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA Speaker Buying Guide (This might be of some help to some)

From same area

Top 10 Ways to fry your PA speakers

1. Frequent occurrences of hard feedback

If you say "ouch" after that last feedback squeal, chances are your speakers were hurt too! Using the speakers after they have probably been damaged makes it worse.

2. Improper bi-amplification: crossover too low or tweeter amp too high

Always check your speaker specs for the best crossover points when bi-amping.

3. Not enough speaker systems for SPL requirements or proper coverage

Instead of using higher wattage with the same speaker complement for more SPL, add extra channels of amplification with additional speakers.

4. Trying to cover an outdoor gig with your indoor system

Outdoor gigs require at least 12dB (16x's the power) more sound output than indoors, and as much as 20dB (100x's power!) to really do it right.

5. Excessive EQ

The classic "smile" EQ curve is actually an evil grin for your speakers! Keep in mind that EQs are best used for cutting, not boosting the signal. Need more highs? Reduce the bass...need more lows? Reduce the highs.

6. Incorrect use of compressors/limiters

Excessive compression and limiting squeezes the life out of your music and your speakers!

7. Not enough amplifier headroom

If your amp has too little power (not enough headroom), clipping may occur, which will damage your speakers. (See the Power Amplifier Buying Guide for more details.)

8. Sudden transients while the speakers are hot

Transients are thumps caused by powering off and plugging/unplugging mics, etc.

9. Clipping the signal before it gets to the power amp

This is caused by improper mixer gain distribution, or a line signal that's too hot.

10. Continuing to Use Your Speakers After Damaging Them...

And failing to have the crossover parts checked for damage after abusing the speaker system by continued use. Let your ears be your guide. If you hear distortion from clean inputs, damage has likely occurred.

Author:  Jian [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA Speaker Buying Guide (This might be of some help to some)

Steven, you may want to titled it THE TEN COMMANDMENTS for a PA system

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA Speaker Buying Guide (This might be of some help to some)

http://www.sweetwater.com/shop/live-sou ... -guide.php

Power amp buying guide.  Pretty much what has been said here, but still a nice handy guide.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA Speaker Buying Guide (This might be of some help to some)

I just noticed that the "Buying Guide" tab in the folder section when clicked, displays a page that really gives the beginner a good concept of the basic's of probably every area of hardware buying including cables, microphones, mixers, and even racks and cases. It also explains the principles in a manner that we less technical folks can understand !

Do you suppose if the basics or a "Buying Guide" such as this
was attached or pinned to the top of the tech forum, it would somewhat help you techs from answering repetitive questions regarding such basics ? Additionally you wouldn't have to keep explaining to certain individuals about the "search" feature possibly. Not sure.. Just an idea.

I'm thinking that a small reference thread or something like a little easy to reference library on the principles of some of this hardware would make it easier for those involved.

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