BigBob @ Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:58 pm wrote:
I am going to pick up some new multipurpuse speakers 30%DJ, 30%KJ and the rest of the time for sound reinforcement for my 5 piece band. I want something with warm midrange. Anyone hear the Cerwin-Vega Prostax 15 inch 3-way speakers or the CV intense 15 inch 2-way? I I would pick up the subs with either of these sets. I am having a hardtime finding reviews on teh CV gear...
The other thing that caught my eye was the JBL MP225 with the dual 15inch cones. The bottom is supposed to be set as a sub. Has anyone heard the the JRX175 models?
I also saw the MP410... Any opinions on how they compare to the JRX 15 incher cabs that seem to be so popular.
I have considered the Eon 15inch G2s as well but I feel really bad not using my amps that are all nice and neatly intregrated into my roller case. Right now my band uses some of the g1 EONs but I am not sure how much the sound has improved.
Are there any other higher end brands or specific cabs anyone reccomends.
I would appreciate anyones thoughts!
Cerwin Vega is generally geared for dj most of the time. The "ProStax" was designed to break them out of that, but I honestly haven't heard them yet.
The JBL MP 200 series is a step up from their JRX series which is bottom of the chain.
The MP 400 series are as close to the SR series as you are going to get for lower cost. The MP410 is a good all around cabinet, however you can't compare it to the JRX115, the 410 is a 10" driver - GREAT for mids & highs, but if you are going to try to push bass through them, you would definitely want to use a sub. Compare them to the MP415 & there isn't a competition.
The JRX series was designed to compete with some of the other lower quality speakers out there - however do a bit better job at it. Lower power handling, but decent sound. They are popular because of the price which many look at first these days.
There are other higher end gear to look for, but it's all budget dependant. If I were going to be running live sound for the majority of the time, I would probably look into the JBL SRX series or McCauley brand speakers that are designed to handle the vigors of live music. But these are also quite spendy, but nearly destruction proof with the right amps behind them. Not saying that's what you need, however there is a difference in $300 speaker vs $1300 or better speaker.