When I started out I bought a Vocopro DVG480K. The unit is reliable, worked for my 1st few gigs but now I think it more suited for home use... Maybe it is my unit but I find the transposing down a key or two becomes really choppy and sloppy... I use almost 95% CDG and very few DVDs so I don't really feel I need the DVD capability now. I can always keep the 480 for dvds.
Now I am ready to integrate my KJ capabilities into my traditional DJ rack setup. I want to buy a rack mounted deck with two players. Has anyone used the higher end Vocopro units like the CDG-8000 or DVG 808? Is the quality in the sound processing better. I also am considering the Numark CDN-25+g. I already have a CDN35 DJ deck and love it. What other units would you guys reccomend. If I had to I could fit two single deck if some know of a stellar unit. I just havent seen much in the dual deck market. I have been primarily buying through acekaraoke and musicians friend.
Any reccomendations or warnings would be welcome!