mngroadshow @ Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:44 pm wrote:
im hopeing that someone can help me im trying to convert a dvd karaoke onto cd-r i have tried but not yet succeded and was hoping someone could please please help me out im pulling me jair out
thanks in advance
What excactly you wanna do? If you're looking for a software to extract the audio part of the dvd and burn it on a cdr, it can be done using DVD Audio Extractor
Now, don't see why you would want to convert DVD to CDR??? It's normally the other way around!
DVD Decrypter is an extractor that bypass the protection but for your information, this software is no longer recommended, it was bought by Macrovision and soon you won't be able to copy movies because it's no longer supported! The new software that replaces it is DVD Fab Decrypter and DVD Shrink is still the best option to shrink.