I don't want to turn this into a politics thread, but you don't think food and drink licenses have anything to do with the public good?
:) There is nothing wrong with that Tom. A few weeks ago somebody told me in a bar "We dont talk about politics and religion here" I replied " I'll tell what son we better start talking about before we lose every freedom we got And by the way dont begin to think you can tell me what I can talk about I'll kick your scrawny
(@$%!)" Now that I got that out of my system
No it seems with every new town board on up they contunue to add and pass new laws.. Fifty years ago we had adequate laws and inspections of public stores that provided meals. But.... New ones were passed that benefitted chains Like macdonalds and others... For generations farmers wives brought chickens and eggs into town to sell and help feed her family. For years now the only chicken you can buy is fed strycnine to fatten them up early... (next time you eat chicken look at the bones they are black) now in co She needs a license to sell eggs . Can you tell me what f** purpose that warrants a license to sell eggs that are fresh? The health board in cities counties ans states are controlled by big money...

Response? Just some good sittin on the river bank talkin Tom...
EDIT: And they hide all these new things with smoke screens and get the radicals arguing about abortion, smoking, drugs, sex, why we are in iraq and the commander in chief of the greatest military lying, should I go on?