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Humm from TV
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Author:  askohen [ Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Humm from TV

Hi. I have a Fender PD150, and a Pioneer CDG deck, several decent mikes and good mike cable. I get a hum that is related to my TV that I use for the graphics. When i turn off the TV I don't get hum, and when I move closer to it I get more humm. I saw a post  that mentioned a ground loop isolator that can be had from Radio Shack for about $15. Not being so smart about audio and electronics I am not sure if this might be the solution to my problem. Can anyone advise? Thanks!

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humm from TV

what are you hooking up to the tv? rca (shielded/non shielded), coax, etc???

how is it coming from your player?

do you have volume on the tv ON? This is a common problem with interferance.

does this happen with any tv, or just the one you're hooking it up to currently? what make/model?

Author:  askohen [ Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humm from TV

Ugg. Excuse my igorance. I am hooking up RCA cables from the CDG player's auidio out to the Fender, and the video (I guess RCA) yellow cable from the CDG player to the TV's video in. The tv is a non-LCD Phillips purchased a few years ago. I am not sure if the RCA cables are sheilded or not.

I am not aware of this happening on the one other tv that I have used, but am not sure.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humm from TV

Is the HUMM coming out of the Fender or the TV?

Author:  askohen [ Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humm from TV

Out of the Fender speakers.

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