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making money singing....
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Author:  wishlikeagirl [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  making money singing....

I'm not signed..I've tried out for a theatre in Piegon Forge...Until I can try out for more..How can I make some money doing what I love?

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: making money singing....

when you find out, let US know!

Author:  Jian [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: making money singing....

Joint a band that play your kind of music. Or LEAD/FORM  a band that play around your kind of music.

Author:  mroctober [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: making money singing....

I was singing every wed night at a local lounge ( Karaoke) and I tend to impersonate the original artist, After about 2 months of me singing at this lounge with many other singers , the owner asked me if I would put a show together and do My own one man show doing all the characters I do.

After 6 months of turning him down I finally went out and purchased a mixer some speakers and a karaoke machine (all with help from these fourm's) and I practiced at home and last february I did my first show. the MrOctober show.

They book me once a month at the original lounge since then, I get paid well and do atleast one show a week somewhere. I turn down more job's than I take. I am booked for december allready.

I have a great day job so I dont need the money, but the money just allowed me to purchase a new system last week, I now am running a Bose personal amplification system, it's a bose L1 (google it).

this is just a story on how I now get paid for what I love to do. (on the side).
maybe it will give you an Idea to grow on.
Good Luck

Author:  TopherM [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: making money singing....

Have you checked out your local caberet/brothel??

Seriously, though, I have lots of friends who actually sing for a living, so here's what they do:

Check out your local theme park (Dollywood?). They often have lots of shows that require actors/singers and chorus members.

Check out your local small theater troupes. Again, they hire actors/singers but also put on musicals that require chorus members.

I even have a friend that sings for a living on a cruise ship. Kinda a female review that is very much like a caberet show.

I've been to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge many many times and know that if you live there there are literally hundreds of shows/reviews that need actors/singers, chorus members and the like, so you're on teh right track if you are that good!! I'd even venture to say that there is more of that level of show/singing concentrated in that area than pretty much anywhere in the world!!

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