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I got some BIG news...........
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Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  I got some BIG news...........

Well, some of you all may say it's not so big, but.........

BE A GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just the slightest bit freaked out, feeling kinda old, but WAY excited.  :dancin:

So somebody buy me a drink!!

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........


Author:  mroctober [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Congrats !!!!!!  Ive been there for two years now ( not Grandma but Grandpa)..:)

Happy for ya  ...have fun:)

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

LMAO Matt........... that should do the trick. Thank ya.

Michael.......... You don't look like a Grandpa!

(now you're supposed to pass that compliment back ya know, I'm feeling all old & weary, hahaha)

Thanks guys, I just couldn't resist telling everyone.

Author:  nguye324 [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

A grandma???????????
Geez...  looking at your picture, you look like a 20 y/o gal to me.
No one would believe you if you told them you're a grandma. :) :)

Congrats!!! :) who knows people might think you and your grandchild are
siblings :)

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Hopefully I can pass the baby off in public as "mine", hahaha.

I want to BE a grandma, I just don't want to admit that I am.

Thank you.

Author:  Crystal [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

:shock: HOLY CRAP MUTHER!!!! er..... GRANDmuther!! haha!!

Congrats, Charmin!!! No way in HECK will anyone think that baby is yer grandbaby!!

Author:  Jian [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

You look too YOUNG to be a grandma
On the other hand I look too old not to be a grandpa.

Author:  Foxe [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

WOHOOO Congrats Charmin :)

Author:  Tony [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Would be much cooler if it was just MA instead of GRANDMA :whistle:  You're still young enough for that  :wave:  but congratulations never-the-less! LMAO

Author:  Melly [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Whoo hooo! BIG congratulations! my oldest girl is getting married next sept...and i SO want to be a grandma. You lucky girl you!...Whoo hooo! :hug:  :hi5:  :hi5:  :hi5:  :hi5:

Author:  Redhead1 [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Congrats, Charmin....My first thought was that you don't look anywhere near old enough to be a grandma....and I see others agree :)

Very happy for you!!!

Author:  JB [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Charm, that's AWESOME news!!  So exciting.  If it is a girl, you might want to consider the name Allison...its a good choice.  :):):)

Author:  Full House Entertainment [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Congratulations!!  I've been a grandma for 6 1/2 years and LOVE every bit of it!!!  I get all the fun and enjoy the stages more since I'm not primarily responsible!!  You'll LOVE it!!

Being a grandparent is a parent's reward!

Susie :)

P.S.  In all seriousness, you don't look old enough... & isn't that great!!

Author:  WazAnOkie [ Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Congrats, and enjoy!  

This grandpa got to babysit today for the littlest (9 mos boy), and should get the older one (4 yr girl) monday for a while.  

Just remember, your job as grandparent is to spoil them, so do it well.  And the best part is, if they get tooo rotten, you can always send them home!

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Thank you everbody......... and guess what, ol' grandma just couldn't wait, I went shopping saturday & got some of the cutest baby shoes on sale.  :dancin:  I found THE cutest little moccasins, they'll work for a boy or girl.

Yeah, I'm gonna have the most spoiled little grandbaby I think, the more I think about this the more I am starting to cotton to the idea of being a grandma. (though I still hate that word........it's just has such an "old" sound)

Just remember, your job as grandparent is to spoil them, so do it well.  And the best part is, if they get tooo rotten, you can always send them home!

Yeah, they are both young, and I think they'll want/need alot of help at first, so I'm sure I'll get plenty chances to spoil all I want.

Being a grandparent is a parent's reward!

You know, I've heard that said. And my parents...... they were awesome parents, but they are terrific grandparents. They do spoil all their grandkids, and my kids just love them both to death, they get to do alot with my parents.

If it is a girl, you might want to consider the name Allison...its a good choice.

Lol, okay Allison, I'll run that by them. Her name is Amber Janea (pronounced Ja-nay)....... my son's name is Zachary Eugene, so-?- don't know if they will use any part of their names or come up with something totally new. My son thinks "Dixie" would be cute for a girl.  :shock:  That's all I've heard them say. But, I'm kinda silly  when it comes to babies, I pick out baby names all the time, as well as look at baby clothes in the department stores every time I go shopping. (always have........ drives my husband nuts) But I love baby stuff.  Wanna hear MY favorite names? If I were to ever have another baby..... these are the names I would use...... told ya I'm baby-silly, I'll never have another one:
Girl: Nacona Sky
Boy: Daytona Blue (and "blue"...having nothing to do with my nic on here, I knew a guy named Blue once, and I thought it kinda neat)
Now aren't those 2 of the funniest names? But I like 'em. I could list all the other names I like, but this thread would be WAY too long then.

Very happy for you!!!

Thank you, I'm starting to think I'm very happy for me too. I don't know who's gonna have the hardest time waiting 9 months, me or the mama, lol.

my oldest girl is getting married next sept...and i SO want to be a grandma.

Ah, Melly, then you'll be right here about a year from now saying "I got some big news".....lol...... I though my son was gonna wait a while, but they sure didn't. Don't know if you all recall, but they just got married August 6.  :shock:  

Would be much cooler if it was just MA instead of GRANDMA

Uh........NO......... No  more "MA" for me. Been there, done that- four times. And I'm real- - LY not so young anymore either I guess, but shhhh....... don't tell anyone that. Thank you Tony.

WOHOOO Congrats Charmin

Thank ya Cindy.  :D

You look too YOUNG to be a grandma

Thank you Jian....... that makes me feel a bit better. (younger?!?) haha

No way in HECK will anyone think that baby is yer grandbaby!!  

So you think I'll get away with the "this is MY baby" thing?  I say that now, but I'm sure I'll be shouting from the rooftops that it's my grandbaby. Maybe, heck, the more I sit here and think about it.......... the scarier it is I guess.

Funny thing is, it's making me want to "be a better person" and change some of the bad things in my life....... so a little grandbaby will have a grandma to be proud of. Now aren't I getting all mushy? And the little guy aint even here yet. (oh........ and that's my first grandmotherly premonition........ it's gonna be a boy, lol)

Thanks for the congrats everyone.........

My GOSH what a long post I just made. Whew...... hope I didn't miss anybody.

Author:  hessemoto [ Sun Nov 20, 2005 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Congratulations. You'll love it.  My wife and I always say "If we knew grand children were going to be so great, we'd have had them first".  Hessemoto

Author:  Crystal [ Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

ohh Charmin I'm gettin so excited for ya!!

I looooooove babies too!!! I even love the diapers and spit-up and the crying...... what I DON'T like though is the idea of ME having to guide this little soul into the world and teach 'em which decisions are good ones! ohhhhh lord.....

Thank Goodness for neices n nephews! HA!!

ok... now I can't resist.... a shameless pic of my newest nephew! He's gettin' BIG!

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Nov 20, 2005 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Thank you Hessemoto.  Haha, that would be a bit hard to do........ have those grandkids first. But, from all I hear from everyone, it is a neat experience. I really can't wait now that I've gotten over the shock of hearing it. My daughter in law actually called me at work and soon as I picked up the phone she said "You ready to be a grandma?"............ of course I nearly fell out of my chair, and couldn't think of hardly anything else all day.

Crystal, that was real smart........ and how CUTE is your nephew!!........... get me going on pictures, lol. I have tons of nieces, nephews, and even great nieces & nephews.
Okay, how fun, so I'll start by showing you those cute little moccasins I bought.  :D  And I don't remember how to stick them here except in the bottom part as an attachment.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Nov 20, 2005 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got some BIG news...........

Oh, who'm I kidding? Here's all four pair I bought yesterday, lol.

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