Hey everyone...
I have just join in your fun... But I dont know where to start... I am a South African, living and loving London, in Canada Water. I want to sing very badly, and I know I have a good voice. I really would like to know where the nearest, coolest karaoke club is...
I am 19 years old and I right my own song, but I do not feel comfortable enough to sing in front of other people. I sang in the church back in SA and in the school a very very little. Can you help me?? Where do I go, what do I do? I've always wanted to be a singer, but I guess I never really want it that bad... or I dont have that sureness (if there is a word like that)... my english is not that good
... well, what I was saying is that I never had the sureness if I could do it... I still dont have it, but I am now prepared to start somewhere... it is worth giving a try... init!!!
I really hope you can help me on this...
Enjoy the rest of your day...