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Weak and staticy recordings -- what can I change?
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Author:  daniellem [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Weak and staticy recordings -- what can I change?

Here's my setup:
Apple Powerbook, M-Audio FastTrack USB interface, Sennheiser evolution 8155 mic (wired)
Software: Audacity (I have Garage Band, but no experience with it)

With any song I sing -- recorded at any volume and with the "mix" control (on the interface) at any setting -- my songs all sound flat and have that staticy (how do you spell that?) sound like I've had to crank up the volume.  No recording sounds accurate, especially with pop songs where I belt out the vocals.  They all sound like I'm lazily singing at a low volume.  Adjusting the input or output volume doesn't help... it just makes the problem louder.  When I'm standing by waiting to sing, there's no background noise or static...

I've gone thru all of the filters and settings in Audacity and nothing helps.  What can I do without spending a lot?  What makes the biggest difference?  What about recording location?  Right now I'm recording in my home office.  I'd take my mic with me into the shower if I could... everything sounds better in there!!

If you have any tips that would help, I'd be sooo appreciative!

If it helps, I have screen captures of the Audacity projects.


Author:  Jian [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weak and staticy recordings -- what can I change?

Dont quite understand the problem but if you post the song at SS Some here may get you on the right track

Author:  Guest [ Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Weak and staticy recordings -- what can I change?

Sounds like very poor gain structure causing a big loss in dynamic range.

Try getting as much gain as possible at the mic input then trimming each step in the chain  to where no input is too hot or too weak and the same for outputs.

Also check that your interface is configured properly (both hardware and software).

Author:  eben [ Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weak and staticy recordings -- what can I change?

daniellem @ Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:12 pm wrote:
Here's my setup:
Apple Powerbook, M-Audio FastTrack USB interface, Sennheiser evolution 8155 mic (wired)
Software: Audacity (I have Garage Band, but no experience with it)

Are you plugging the mic directly in to the Powerbook? I am not sure about current models but it used to be that Macs did not have mic input that was compatible with your ordinary mics. You had to have a pre-amp for the mics from companies like Shreve Systems or others to make sure you got the right level on your mic input. Again, not sure 100%% but check out Mac support forums around and ask the question. You may have to get a pre-amp for you to record your vocal correctly.

Author:  daniellem [ Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weak and staticy recordings -- what can I change?

Thanks for your input!  It was all helpful in letting me know what to look for.  I am definitely not a recording expert.

From my testing so far, it looks like I was limited by audacity -- either by the settings in it or my lack of proficiency in using it!  I switched over to GarageBand and was able to adjust compression and gain settings and midtone frequencies really easily.  I put a sample recording on a loop and tweaked the settings until it sounded best.  YAHOO!!  Now I just have to test it out on a full song.

thanks again!

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