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Device To Play MP3's In Your Car NO WIRES NO BATTERIES
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Author:  auctionmusic [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Device To Play MP3's In Your Car NO WIRES NO BATTERIES

I bumped into this device in the automotive dept at Target (not the electronic department weirdly so) that is much fantastic. Its called the VR3, and its a self contained device, NO WIRES, NO BATTERIES, that plugs into your cigarette ligher and transmits over your FM radio. It has two inputs, one takes a usb 2.0 mem stick, the other is a line in for an ipod or whatever mp3 player. Anyway, I use the USB stick, just drag and drop the files from my computer to the stick, unplug the stick, plug it into the VR3 and voila, music plays in the car...no wires...soundin much fantastic too...and NO BURNING CD either. My stick is 250 meg, and if you burn mono files, you'll get like 50 to 80 songs on a single stick or more. The VR3 drawback iz it doesn't remember where you last left off, so when you start the car back up again it goes back to song one. You can only go to next and previous song, and you can increase and decrease the volume from the VR3, but I use my remote in my car to do it with my car radio (I have Alpine in the car, the stock radio (ugh) is disconnected.) Just thought others might want to know about this device....I saw it on the net for $35.00, I paid $39.00 at target. The Usb sticks (250 mb) were on sale for $25.00 each...

EDIT: Oh yeah, there's a red light that blinks off and on when you push the play button and that tells you its running correctly. Also, when the stick is plugged into your computer usb port, only put files in the root directory. Don't put files in folders on the stick, the vr3 won't see them. The device also plays .wma files az well.


Author:  knightshow [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Device To Play MP3's In Your Car NO WIRES NO BATTERIES

there are a lot of mp3 players out there now, similar to the IPOD that transmit over the FM station...

I bought a 2gb usb memory stick for $129, but I've seen those a LOT cheaper now at Frys (www.outpost.com) as well as some other sites.

www.pricewatch.com is a great site to find such items. You have to manually click on the flash/memory link, and then look around at what people are offering!

This is a heckuva deal

4gb T-One USB 2.0 Hard Drive - Stylish Slim 4GB

(sorta looks like a large zippo, but very slim)
http://www.bestbargainpc.com/index.asp? ... tegory=291

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