Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

SS Improvements
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Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  SS Improvements

As most of you know, I am always trying to improve the Singers Showcase site. I have ideas and am always open to suggestions from our members & visitors.

Below are a couple features that I have been working on (some for quite awhile):

1) Send to a friend - this would send a link of the song submission to another person. {Need to work out the kinks as to avoid SPAMBOTS from accessing}

2) Buddylist - A way to check those people that a member likes and be able to see all of their buddies submissions.

3) Jukebox - this was something that I had started working on a while ago but ran into many problems with coding.  If a member decided to delete a song it caused errors in the script. I am still working on this but it don't expect it anytime soon.

4)  Ranking - Been trying to incorporate a new system to calculate and display members (that wished to be ranked) level! This has always been controversial!

As far as technical problems, I have been working regularly with the DataCenter and other developers to ascertain the problems and correct.

Thank you - I am always eager to hear what others have to say - so post your ideas and I will see what I can do!

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