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Hello from Gaithersburg, MD
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Author:  snidleystash [ Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Hello from Gaithersburg, MD

Just joining in here. I am new to the Karaoke scene. And, to tell you the truth, it is not Karaoke that I'm interested in.

I head up a men's ministry for a cappella singing here in the Washington, DC area. We sing Gospel music in the Barbershop style. We've been together for a little over a year. We currently have 6 members. But I want the group to grow to at least a dozen. We sing for nursing homes and hospitals around the area. We are 100% self-funded. We have not received any payment or donations for anything we have done and all music and equipment we have has been purchased by the members for the ministry.

I want to start recording so we can eventually produce a CD. Toward that end, I purchased a Mackie DFX-6, 6 mics, and a pair of Vidsonix MT-B80 monitors. All this is fairly low-budget stuff. Like I said, this is a self-funded group and THIS self does not have a lot to spend on it. For recording purposes, I have a copy of Magix Audio Studio where I can record individual tracks as I like.

I connected 4 mics to the 4 main input channels. I connected the Tape Out port to the mic port on my laptop. I connected the headphone port on the laptop back to the CD In port on the Mackie. The problem I am having is now to connect the monitors to the Mackie. I am brand new to the whole thing.  The sound is not real good the way I am doing it. I need some advice.

Any suggestions would be great.

Also, any men who are interested in joining us singing each Tuesday night for some great harmony are welcome. We currently need a baritone and another lead to make a double quartet. But, like I said before, our real goal is to get to a dozen. And we could always use high tenors, too, as it would allow someone who really doesn't have that vocal range all that solid to move to a part that fits their ability better.

Author:  TeriJo [ Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from Gaithersburg, MD

Welcome to the SS!!!!  I, for one, am happy to make your aquaintance.  Love the sound  of voices in harmony.  It is a wonderful thing.  And it is a wonderful thing to go entertaining folks who can't afford (or are too ill, etc) to be going out to get entertained.

Author:  Keepinitcntry [ Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from Gaithersburg, MD

welcome snidly.. Glad to have ya aboard my friend

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