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Submission errors???
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Author:  karacanary [ Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Submission errors???

Icarried out an experiment regarding this issue.
I have friends in Canada & England.
I emailed them each a song as an attachment to that email. They both got these songs in good shape.
So the question is this.
If I can email songs (inMP3) as an attachment to various destinations and they arrive in good shape why am I incapable of submitting songs properly on Singers Showcase.
I enquired here in Sydney about this and I was told that the problem lies with the destination webpage (i.e. Singers Showcase) as songs which can be attached to emails and successfully sent by email are capable of being submitted to a singers showcase.
I have so far submitted 5 songs to Singers Showcase:
1) If You Love Me Let Know
2) Love Me Tender
3) Can't Help Falling In Love
4) Shoppin' Around
5)Ask Me
......the whole 5 songs were corrupted...where 4 of them were "fixed" by the webmaster on complaint.....and the other "Shoppin' Around" remains corrupted and cannot be played to yesterday.
Now I received an email from the webmaster which in part said" Oh I was too busy to check that file for errors" or words to this effect.
What the hell is going on?

P.S. I resubmitted Shoppin Around….and it still is corrupted

Author:  Phill Cross [ Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

I finally was able to check that file.

The file size claimed to be 0. (this usually indicates an upload error.)

This information below may help others who might have experienced troubles. However, you are the first that has notified me.

Singers Showcase has an online script/coding which contains a feature that can determine whether or not the file is MP3, whether the file size is appropriate based on your membership level, whether you have enough available space for a new submission, and whether or not you have already submitted the days total submissions permitted.

Unfortunately, I cannot create a script to determine whether or not the file actually functions. This is something that must be determined prior to submission.

I would suggest that before you attempt to submit a song:

   1) Check that it actually plays on your computer first.
   2) Confirm that the file name contains only alpha numeric characters
   3) Verify that there are no spaces in the file name.
   4) Make certain the file size is correct for your membership level.
   5) Make certain that you wait until the upload process is complete.

These simple steps may prevent future troubles. Other than that I am unable to determine why you are having difficulty submitting...especially when hundreds have submitted songs without any errors.

If anyone has suggestions on this please feel free to contribute. I for one would like to know if there is something that I can do to prevent this from occuring.

Author:  karacanary [ Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

Thank you webguru! I'll take your advice on those submissions. However I was about to upgrade. Now I am putting that in abeyance as it will be quite useless for me to upgrade if I'll do it for nothing (I am not able to submit).
I'll wait until I sort this out first  as a free member.

Author:  Jian [ Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

Try change your mp3 encoder. If you are using those that come with AA  it may encode to mp3 pro which do have problem with this site. I use dBpower AMP and have no problem.

Author:  CaseyMarie [ Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

Seems to me there is a problem I gave up trying to sub.
And I have tried several times but never loads.   I took all my songs off and since then nothing, I had trouble before, took 2 or 3 times before it loaded.  so now I don't even bother.  I even had my mom check and she is a whiz at this stuff, she said it was a problem with ss.
But oh well, I like to read the posts and listen.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

Well great!

Where is the problem...

Someone wish to advise where, when, why, what who, and how!

We have had over TWENTY ONE THOUSAND submissions in the last year and this is the first that I have heard of it.

I appreciate your participation in the site and welcome your input. However, if I was provided a little more details as to what happens I just might be able to figure this out.

Author:  CaseyMarie [ Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

Ok didn't mean to upset you, no need to throw your arms in the air. LOL
The subs just never show up after loading.  Now I haven't tried in a couple of weeks, so it may work now.  I have dial-up and it takes so long to load and nothing I just gave up.
Maybe I will try agin soon and it will work .  and u won't  :wave: your arms at me anymore.  
Get get mad get glad!

Author:  CaseyMarie [ Fri Aug 05, 2005 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

Ok My BAD!
Asked my mom again and she checked into it, she told me all this stuff after getting kicked off the net every 5 seconds.  (Don't ask me what she said cause I am not a computer nerd)  I don't even email much.  i just like to play on ss.  Anyway I hope this problem clears up soon.  She is going to work on the problem.
Well I just wanted to say I'm sorry for blaming ss, I will be getting booted off here any second now.  So see ya later :wave:

Author:  Dona [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

:wave: CaseyM.. the same thing happened to me on my last sub... After down load, it just never appeared....(that's the first time thats ever happened to me) I think it went into the black hole   :O   .... I tried again and the second time it went thru... Strange...  Well... now.. I can't reply to the rest of my comments today on the same song...("You Took Advantage of Me")  that happens on other songs from time to time...as well as songs not being playable from time to time... Now... I might go back in later and everything is fine... that's what usually happens.... Don't give up.. Keep trying... :yes:

Author:  TeriJo [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

It seems I'm a lucky duck.  I only had a problem uploading once, and well (watch me blush) It was cuz I was trying to upload the wav version instead of the mp3.  But it TOLE me I was a doofus and to try again, so that was good.  

Guess that's what happens when ya try doing things at 3 to 4 am eh? LOL

Teri Jo

Author:  CaseyMarie [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Submission errors???

Hi Dona,
Well at least I'm not the only one, still trying.
Maybe I will get lucky today.
It has happen to me several times.
Guess all mine went to the black hole, think it's trying to tell me something? LOL

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