Hello there!
How's it going eveyone? I'm Elisha.
This is my first post here, I've been reading through some other posts and think I'm ready to jump on in now.
I'll tell you a bit about myself, I've been a singer since I was a very little kid, performed my first solo in my school musical when I was in grade three.
We performed the musical "Clowns" for the parents as a spring concert!
Very fun!
After that I began taking private singing lessons and continued those for years and years and years, with different teachers and guides.
Anyway, now I'm a kj and I've got a book that I wrote about different vocal techniques and how to use them.
Love to sing! Love to talk with other singers! I think this is a pretty good site and I'm excited about having conversations with everyone! :D
Elisha Ewonchuk