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Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11
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Author:  NeverHeardOfHer [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11

I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend!  

I look forward to hearing the "Gospel" tunes this week.  :wave:

Week 32 = Gospel
Week 31 = Ballads
Week 30 = Irish Songs
Week 29 = Kids Songs
Week 28 = 80's Era of the Week
Week 27 = Non-English
Week 26 = Pop
Week 25 = Valentine Week
Week 24 = The Day the music died
Week 23 = Yodelin
Week 22 = Classic Rock
Week 21 = Motown
Week 20 = Elvis
Week 19 = Rat Pack
Week 18 = Christmas/Holiday
Week 17 = Summer Songs
Week 16 = No Poll
Week 15 = Classical
Week 14 = Soundtrack
Week 13 = Gender Bender
Week 12 = Country
Week 11 = Hip Hop/Rap
Week 10 = Seasonal (Halloween)
Week 09 = Bluegrass
Week 08 = Folk
Week 07 = Duets
Week 06 = TV Tunes
Week 05 = Metal
Week 04 = R&B
Week 03 = Inspirational
Week 02 = Showtunes
Week 01 = Comedy

Author:  Rainbowgnu [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11

Can someone explain this one to me?

What does it mean???

Elementals (Earth, Water, Fire, Air...)

Much love,


Author:  NeverHeardOfHer [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11

i.e 'welcome to Earth, third rock from the sun'-Joe Diffie...
'The Air that I breathe' Air Supply

That's my take on it anyway....it's open for other interpetations!

Hope that was somewhat helpful  :D

Thanks for stoppin in! :swg:

Author:  Suzanne Lanoue [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11

So...will you be using any of my suggestions from the previous week's topic?
And, since it's April, what about doing the decade thing again?

I just don't like most of the choices in this poll...I don't know any songs from most of those genres.

Could be just me :)

Author:  NeverHeardOfHer [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11

Sorry, Suzanne, I posted this in a hurry and didnt check for new ideas first.
I just reposted the ones that weren't picked last week. :oops:
I promise, they will get added....I had some ideas of my own, that I didn't add either.
...and yes we can do another 'decade' vote. It 's been long enough since the last one, I think.


Author:  Suzanne Lanoue [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11

Kewl, thanks!

I believe you said that you wanted to do the decades thing once a month, and it was last in March, so.....

Author:  NeverHeardOfHer [ Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11

:drums: .....Blues it is!

Author:  syberchick70 [ Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Genre/Theme of the Week #33 April 4-11

Blues!!!! YAY :D

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