Hello everyone! I must say this site is very professional, has great features, and has some nice talent! I look forward to looking around and getting a better feel for the site.
About me, I am a student studying dietetics in Utah, and I just recently (a few days ago!) realized that I have a decent voice! I had sung when I was little but then the shy-bug "bit" me and I stopped. Then, I ran into a discussion about another similar Karaoke website and I learned about the existence of backing tracks and using Windows Recorder to overlap files and all this great awesome stuff I never knew existed! Karaoke to me was always singing along to the cheesy machine at your friends house- I had never considered using professional backing tracks and computers! So I ventured off into this wonderful, addicting land of recording oneself, and I'm excited to see how I can improve my voice and technique, for I don't know hardly anything about singing except breathing from your stomach/diaphragm control... something

. I'm doing this for fun for now, and I would like to learn how to sing better through critiques and such.
I'm not very technically advanced,

- I just use the mic that came with the comp, Windows Recorder, and Nero Wave Editor to convert between .wav/.mp3... I'm currently looking into other options, as it's quite tedious trying to find the exact seconds to mix song fragments at.

I'll be looking around the forums for some existing tips with that.
For any of you that post at Daretosing.com, I'm "PezSinAgua" over there.
Well thanks for stopping by! Happy to have found such a great site, look forward to getting to know people!
:drunk: <-- Precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!