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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:54 am 
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The owner of the club I'm hosting at came to me and one of the other KJ's and told us that they have budgeted $3,000 for upgrades the system this year.  They want our feedback and recommendation on what to spend the money on and we were in quick agreement on most things:

1)  Chuck all existing cables, every single one and start over with a full set of backups.

2)  Get the Mackie board serviced - there isn't anything really "wrong" with it but some of the contacts are dirty and it is starting to show it's age.

3)  Keep all slips for the next six weeks for all KJ's and all shows.  Do an analysis of what people are singing.  This is critical for me as I bring in my own collection, and we need to figure out what people want off of that so the club can match.  Probably add 1,000 to 2,000 songs from ChartBusters and Sound Choice.  Replace some discs that have broken, especially a rash of broken Legend Series disc (gads the physical quality of Legend Series discs SUCK).

4)  Get another cordless mike - right there is one cordless and one battered Shure corded mike.

5)  Replace the dying Peavy Amp STAT with a Crown if taking it apart and giving it a good vacuuming inside does not solve the ground loop issues.


Number six is my big question.  They have the JVC 303.  The second disc drawer doesn't work at all the third drawer is balky and at times the disc will just stop playing for no reason, or play and show no lyrics at all (not even errors or artifiacts).  Drive one still works fine.  One KJ feels servicing it is the answer - I say, "its dead Jim," and just go out and buy a new one.  I would think that servicing it will probably cost as much as buying a new one.  Secondarially the unit could be kept as a backup for the club - as the one drawer still works without issue.  My guess is having it serviced probably isn't worth it - the unit is close to five years old.

Despite the internet rumor, Karaoke is not Japanese for "drunk buffoon with microphone."  However, "rotation," is Japanese for wait your damn turn!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:14 am 
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since you don't know the history behind this sucker, I'd go ahead and get a new one... and keep that old one JUST in case you need a backup. Check into what it would take to get it serviced, but yeah, if it's over $75, screw it!

karaoke.com has a great deal on some as990s... thinking of getting one of those myself! very nice dual wireless mic system. I have the 890s and like them!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:49 am 
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outdoorplaces @ Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:54 am wrote:
1)  Chuck all existing cables, every single one and start over with a full set of backups.

If the system get moved, plugged/unplugged all the time, i'd say yeah this could be done.  If it's in a stationary set-up & nothing gets unplugged, then I really wouldn't worry about it unless there are known shorts in certain cords.  Definately replace all mic cords with a lifetime warranty cord.

2)  Get the Mackie board serviced - there isn't anything really "wrong" with it but some of the contacts are dirty and it is starting to show it's age.

Mixer SHOULD be cleaned on a fairly regular basis anyway - at least 1 time per year.  Make sure it's done by an authorized service shop for Mackie or send it to Mackie.

3)  Keep all slips for the next six weeks for all KJ's and all shows.  Do an analysis of what people are singing.  This is critical for me as I bring in my own collection, and we need to figure out what people want off of that so the club can match.  Probably add 1,000 to 2,000 songs from ChartBusters and Sound Choice.  Replace some discs that have broken, especially a rash of broken Legend Series disc (gads the physical quality of Legend Series discs SUCK).

Good plan

4)  Get another cordless mike - right there is one cordless and one battered Shure corded mike.

Does the "battered" corded mic still work?  If so just get a replacement mic ball (screen), it'll look good as new.  I prefer corded mics when I go out singing & you may find that other singers do as well.

5)  Replace the dying Peavy Amp STAT with a Crown if taking it apart and giving it a good vacuuming inside does not solve the ground loop issues.

Vacuuming won't help a ground loop hum.  Crowns are great amps, but they do have their crap line as well.  The XS series is very nice & reasonably priced for a Crown.  The XLS series is their junk line.
Also look at the QSC PLX series.  Also take a strong look at Carvin.com & the DCM line.  These amps are kick a$$ and very reasonable priced.

Number six is my big question.  They have the JVC 303.  The second disc drawer doesn't work at all the third drawer is balky and at times the disc will just stop playing for no reason, or play and show no lyrics at all (not even errors or artifiacts).  Drive one still works fine.  One KJ feels servicing it is the answer - I say, "its dead Jim," and just go out and buy a new one.  I would think that servicing it will probably cost as much as buying a new one.  Secondarially the unit could be kept as a backup for the club - as the one drawer still works without issue.  My guess is having it serviced probably isn't worth it - the unit is close to five years old.

Just get 2 single tray players, that way you can cue up while one is playing, you don't get the extra mechanical failure possibilities with the triple tray & you have your backup already set-up.  That's what I would do anyway.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:10 pm 
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Thanks for the input, and more welcome also.  The system is unplugged and moved at least twice a week so the cables are shot and need replacements.  I mistyped in my first post - I'm recommending replacing all cords AND having a full set of backups.  A lot of the cables and connections are fried, some are patched with duct tape -

The mike does work great - just needs a new ball - however loose connection from time to time - need to figure out if this is a cable issue or mike issue (I'd bet cable issue).  The singers prefer the cordless mikes by a landslide.  Many move around the club as they are singing.

Thanks for the amp advice but remember, we've got $3K total and some vital needs to balance.  I agree with going with two single tray systems as you can't cue up the triple tray JVC - just load and wait for the mechanics.  But I don't think that is going to happen - the cost of two is about $550ish while a single triple tray is around $300ish - $250 gets me a fair amount of quality cables - or a lot of ChartBuster country discs.

I think for CDG purchases we're going to budget around $750.

Also agree mixers need to be cleaned/service once a year - and that is exactly what the Mackie needs.

Despite the internet rumor, Karaoke is not Japanese for "drunk buffoon with microphone."  However, "rotation," is Japanese for wait your damn turn!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:19 pm 
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outdoorplaces @ Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:10 pm wrote:
The mike does work great - just needs a new ball - however loose connection from time to time - need to figure out if this is a cable issue or mike issue (I'd bet cable issue).  The singers prefer the cordless mikes by a landslide.  Many move around the club as they are singing.

Thanks for the amp advice but remember, we've got $3K total and some vital needs to balance.  I agree with going with two single tray systems as you can't cue up the triple tray JVC - just load and wait for the mechanics.  But I don't think that is going to happen - the cost of two is about $550ish while a single triple tray is around $300ish - $250 gets me a fair amount of quality cables - or a lot of ChartBuster country discs.

Then for the amp definately do the Carvin route.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:56 pm 
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   I wish the clubs i played at had sound systems and music instead of me luggin all my gear in and out night after night.  I hear you wanting to add new music to your list but it might be better to sacrifice that and get the sound system as good as posibal for this upgrade. Singers can always bring in new music but they ain't gonna bring a AMP or Player. Sometimes you got to sacrfice in the begining to get a better end result.

"There is a Law of the Universe:   CHEAP...   FAST...   GOOD...   pick any two."

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:27 am 
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I'd add a good cable tester to the list.  It sure makes troubleshooting much easier.  It would also help to get rid of or assist in repairing the broken cables. I agree that lifetime cables on the mics are a necessity.  I'd consider adding a couple more wired mics over the cordless.  I've had better luck with wired mics standing up than the wireless mics if you think they're going to be dropped or treated rough.  Unless you know how the other KJ's treat the equipment and how they handle the customers I'd consider going wired.

I'd consider getting another 303 only because everyone is familiar with it.  I use one myself and have never had a singer come up faster than the mechanics would switch out.  I tend to load the next 2 singers making my swap time pretty quick - one singer finishes, I fade in the background music, hit the button for the next disc and track number, pause it, singer comes up, I start the player and fade down the background music.  I plan to pick up a second 333 for backup.

If you don't think they'll have a problem with the single tray players you can go that way.  If you do, move to a player that will handle other media types - like DVD's.  It will open up some flexibility in the media types the KJ's can use if they opt to do so.

That's my .02 worth....

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