you know, lots of people keep upgrading to the higher and higher mp3toolz... I have the original beta, and it works just fine. so what if it's not as fast? I don't have to have microsoft's .net framework... just files and go.
used it for over two or three years now... never a problem
You are absolutely right it used to be all the progams were simple, efficient and all coexisted on a moderate pc. With every update and new OS we need a faster cpu more ram, 4 more usb ports and a 500 watt power supply!!!500 watts....to do the few menial little tasks that we are trying to do. It is inefficient, unreliable, dont let them fool you, it is crude at best. It is like any thing else built these days, it is designed to self destruct after a certain time frame. But it keeps this old mind goin somewhat..And it is sort of fun at times. It still beats loading & packin cd's around (I think)!!