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What's Your Favorite ........Everything?
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Author:  Crystal [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Hey all! I thought it's high time to get some more conversation going... talk is pretty boring around here lately, so just for kicks...


Pizza topping:
clothing brand:
hobby (other than sex, Tig):
juice flavor:
soft drink:
music genre:
musical artist:
gum flavor:
meal to cook:
photograph (not professional or purchased):
musical instrument:
sub EVER posted on SS:
online game:
coffee shop:
piece of jewelry:
song to sing at Karaoke:
alcoholic beverage:

ok for now... that's all I can think of... anyone have any to add?

Hopefully this will get some juices flowing....... no not THOSE Juices...... CONVERSATIONAL juices.... sheesh... such dirty minds u all have! ;)

Author:  Crystal [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

ok so here's mine:

Pizza topping: Pepperoni n Mushroom
clothing brand: umm... my favorite jeans are Levi's, so that's what I'll go with.
hobby (other than sex, Tig): yackin on this freakin forum with all you guys
juice flavor: Ocean Spray Cranberry & Concord Grape
soft drink: Diet Dr. Pepper
song: Everything I Do, I Do It For You - Bryan Adams
music genre: Country
musical artist: Martina McBride
gum flavor: Extra Bubblemint
meal to cook: baked potato soup! *drool*
color: green... i think...
book: My Sergei
movie: Mona Lisa Smile
holiday: Thanksgiving
smilie: Image
photograph (not professional or purchased): picture of Tyson (hubby) when he was little, lounging in a chair with his hands behind his head.... he was about 3 yrs old
musical instrument: Alto Sax
sub EVER posted on SS: Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better by JKolman & Tony Tiber
online game: Acrophobia
coffee shop: Second Cup
piece of jewelry: heart-shaped sapphire ring from Jamaica
song to sing at Karaoke: Let it Rain - Amanda Marshall
store: AXE music
alcoholic beverage: Orange Cream Bacardi Breezers (girlie drink)

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping: [highlight=coral]Supreme[/highlight]
clothing brand: [highlight=seagreen]Old NAvy[/highlight]
hobby (other than sex, Tig): [highlight=darkred]Music equipment[/highlight]
juice flavor: Orange
soft drink: [highlight=gold]Cola - Coke or Pepsi, whatevers on sale[/highlight]
song: [highlight=deepskyblue]Slither - Velvet Revolver[/highlight]
music genre: [highlight=violet]Rock/Alternative[/highlight]
musical artist: Audioslave
gum flavor: [highlight=tomato]Spearmint[/highlight]
meal to cook: [highlight=darkorchid]Rotisserie Chicken[/highlight]
color: Blue
book: [highlight=red]American Musical Supply - music catalog[/highlight]
movie: [highlight=gold]Any comedy[/highlight]
holiday: X-Mas
photograph (not professional or purchased): [highlight=orange]Sunset my wife took on Valentines day[/highlight]
musical instrument: Drums or nose flute
sub EVER posted on SS:
online game: [highlight=yellow]Cribbage or Backgammon[/highlight]
coffee shop: [highlight=cyan]My own  :D Mocha Cabana - mochacabana.net[/highlight]
piece of jewelry:
song to sing at Karaoke: [highlight=darkred]no favorite[/highlight]
store: [highlight=seagreen]Guitar Center[/highlight]
alcoholic beverage: [highlight=green]Black Velvet/Coke[/highlight]

Author:  Rainbowgnu [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?


Pizza topping: Pepperoni!!!!
clothing brand: Versace/Adidas.... hehehe
hobby (other than sex, Tig): Is it only Tig that can't choose Sex???  I choose Sex!
juice flavor: Apple
soft drink: Cola
song: TOUGH ONE!!!  "Angel" by Jon Secada
music genre: Ballads
musical artist: Sarah McLachlan
gum flavor: Cherry
meal to cook: Thai Sweet Chilli
color: Red
book: The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
movie: Ghost
holiday: Greece
smilie:  :hi5:
photograph (not professional or purchased): A picture of me with
musical instrument: Piano (or voice)
sub EVER posted on SS: Hmmmm - Probably something by Christi
online game: Warcraft III
coffee shop: HATE COFFEE!!!!! (Can I have McDonalds)
piece of jewelry: My neck chain or my Claddagh ring
song to sing at Karaoke: Gold by Spandau Ballet
store: Gamleys Toy Store!!!
alcoholic beverage: Archers and Lemonade

Author:  Sheree [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping: Canadian bacon, mushrooms, green peppers and pineapple.. yup! :yes:
clothing brand: Hmm... never pay attention to that.. right now Victoria's Secret Pj's!
hobby (other than sex, Tig): Ummm... :drums: gardening, movies, bowling, plays, concerts, yackin'..ack... lot's of shtuff... oh and singing!
juice flavor: [shadow=violet]Grape[/shadow]
soft drink: Image
song: That changes all the time.. but I've always liked 'Trouble' by Lindsey Buckingham.. wish they made a backing for it!
music genre: I like almost all genres.. good music!
musical artist: Lot's of 'em.. U2, Coldplay, Dido, Fleetwood Mac...
gum flavor: Juicy Fruit
meal to cook: Chicken Enchilada's with guacamole and a salad and Margaritas wee!
color: Depends... today... yellow!
book: Finders Keepers by Fern Michaels
movie: This week it's the Notebook!   :crying2:
holiday: Christmas
smilie:  :drums:  :dancin:
photograph (not professional or purchased): My daughter age 2 at the beach (will post in in album :D )
musical instrument:  :drums:
sub EVER posted on SS: I loved Deb's sub Number 1 Crush.. got it on a Cd.
online game: There was one where ya hit a penguin.. I was addicted for three days! But don't play games much...
coffee shop: Any one open at 3 AM
piece of jewelry: My watch.. I'm naked without it!
song to sing at Karaoke: Kiss Me~Sixpence..
store: Trader Joes!!!
alcoholic beverage: Sex On The Beach! Fun to order! :drunk:

Author:  timberlea [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Here's mine

Pizza topping: Donair or works
clothing brand: whatever is on sale  but for suits I like Moores
hobby (other than sex, Tig): karaoke lol
juice flavor: apple
soft drink: diet dr pepper or diet coke
song: Break It To Them Gently - Burton Cummings
music genre: Canadian Rock
musical artist: Guess Who/Burton Cummings/Randy Bachman
gum flavor: spearmint
meal to cook: lasagna
color: blue
book: Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan books
movie: Saving Private Ryan
holiday: Thanksgiving Turkey mmmmmmmm droool
smilie: can't put it here
photograph (not professional or purchased): of my folks
musical instrument: euphonium
sub EVER posted on SS: Won't catch me in that trick
online game: Free Cell
coffee shop: There was a local one that closed so now Tim Horton's
piece of jewelry: Don't wear any
song to sing at Karaoke: Break It To Them Gently
store: grocery  what can I say I like to eat
alcoholic beverage: dark and dirty (dark rum & Coke) Christmas time - Moosemilk

Author:  Guest [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping:  cheese
clothing brand: good will
hobby (other than sex, Tig): Singing
juice flavor: lol ..hmmmm. oh yea orange
soft drink: Vanilla Coke
song: AquaLung
music genre: any kind cept Rap
musical artist: Jethro Tull
gum flavor: CryBaby apple
meal to cook: Pot Roast
color: Hot Pink
book: Davinci Code
movie: Wizard Of Oz
holiday: Halloween
smilie: Bobbi's Vertical Smile :) yes Bobbi is a girl :) check my Photo album :)photograph (not professional or purchased): can I say that here?
musical instrument: Flute
sub EVER posted on SS: all my subs suck maybe my bob dylan
online game: dont play online I like the real thing
coffee shop: anything close
piece of jewelry: my Black Onyx ring
song to sing at Karaoke: Ziggy Stardust By David Bowie (for now)
store: home depot
alcoholic beverage: Bud Light

Author:  timberlea [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Someone actually drinks Vanilla Coke  YUCK

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Finally,  Someone else who can appreciate Ian Anderson

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping: TACO
clothing brand: Dockers
hobby (other than sex, Tig): tie between reading and martial arts
juice flavor: White Grape
soft drink: Diet Coke
song: urrr? JUST ONE?  Queensryche's "Anybody Listening"
music genre: Rock of the 80s-90s
musical artist: Can't name just one! Sorry!
gum flavor: mint
meal to cook: Manicotti
color: midnight blue
book: Stephen King's "The Stand"
movie: Lord Of the Rings
holiday: Thanksgiving
smilie: http://www.knightshow.com/smilies/toofunny.gif
photograph (not professional or purchased): one of my son and I
musical instrument: piano
sub EVER posted on SS: "Who Wants To Live Forever"
online game: don't do dat
coffee shop: ick
piece of jewelry: double ick
song to sing at Karaoke: "Whole Lotta Rosie"
store: Costco
alcoholic beverage: Minderaser

Author:  Foxe [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?


Pizza topping:  Pepperoni, canadian bacon
clothing brand: doesn't matter
hobby (other than sex, Tig): Tig... ROFL.. ok.. no wait..I'm turning "foxy red".. umm..seriously: reading or singing I suppose
juice flavor: Grape
soft drink: Coke
song: Heaven or I saw Red both by Warrant
music genre: doesn't matter - I like almost all
musical artist: at the moment.. Gretchen Wilson
gum flavor: can't chew it anymore.. otherwise hmm.. Juicy Fruit
meal to cook: PIZZA
color: PURPLE
book: anything by Mary Higgins Clark
movie: GREASE
holiday: Christmas
smilie:  :nana:
photograph (not professional or purchased): don't know
musical instrument: to play? clarinet or piano/organ I guess.. to listen to.. Sax or guitar
sub EVER posted on SS: Duet by Jason and Cindy Roy...or Jason's Music of the Night.. or.. Sheree's Spirit in the Sky
online game: card games
coffee shop: Starbucks
piece of jewelry: earings -- love the ones that shock people LOL
song to sing at Karaoke: I will survive or Suds in the Bucket
store: don't like to shop.. but I like to buy electronics ;)
alcoholic beverage: Banana Martini yummmm

Author:  Foxe [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Ummm.. Matt... I think I just went blind!!!

EDIT: Whew... thank you!!!  :hug:

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

yeah, sorry about that... was shooting for COLOR, and clicked on the HIGHLIGHT! whupsies!

Author:  Jian [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping: dont care much for that stuff
clothing brand: none, done cre much about brand
hobby (other than sex, Tig):
juice flavor: orange
soft drink: dont drink any
song: Unchained Melody
music genre: as long asthey areNOT hip hop ar Rapmusical artist: Bon Jovi
gum flavor: Yuk
meal to cook: Tom Yam sea food
color: gray
holiday: Bali
smilie:  :hi5:
photograph (not professional or purchased):  
musical instrument: Kazoo
sub EVER posted on SS: A song by Big Red
online game: hate it
coffee shop:
piece of jewelry: my reading glass
song to sing at Karaoke: [glow=coral]Colors of the Wind, V Willam[/glow]
alcoholic beverage: gin and tonic

Author:  marty3 [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping:  Mushrooms, Onions, Gr. Peppers and Black Olives
clothing brand:  N/A
hobby:  Darts
juice flavor:  Spicy V8
soft drink:  RC
song:  Too many...  "Hide Your Love Away" (Beatles) is nice.  Might try that one soon.
music genre:  60s rock/pop, current country
musical artist:  Beatles
gum flavor:  N/A
meal to cook:  Frozen Pizza
color:  Gray
book:  Currently reading "Sound of the Beast, the Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal" by Ian Christe.  "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (Hunter Thompson, RIP) also was pretty un-nerving.
movie:  School of Rock, Repo Man
holiday:  4th of July
smilie:  N/A
photograph (not professional or purchased): N/A
musical instrument:  bass guitar
sub EVER posted on SS:  N/A
online game:  N/A
coffee shop:  N/A...Folgers
piece of jewelry:  N/A
song to sing at Karaoke:  Green-Eyed Lady (Sugarloaf)
store:  Super Walmart
alcoholic beverage:  Miller Lite

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping: Not much of a Pizza eater .. but like Veggies alot

clothing brand: No Preferences

hobby (other than sex, Tig): Karaoke, reading, watching movies

juice flavor: Pineapple or Tomato

soft drink: Diet Pepsi Vanilla

song: Waaaaaaay too many to pick

music genre: Pop/Rock/Showtunes

musical artist: Waaaaaay to many to pick

gum flavor: Peppermint

meal to cook: Spaghetti Sauce (make it once a week!)

color: Any Shade Of Blue

color to wear:  RED

book: hmmm.... Anything by John Saul, Robert Paterson, Nora Roberts

movie: Pretty Woman (Romance)  Field Of Dreams (Drama)  Contact (Sci-Fi)

holiday: Halloween or Christmas (but without all the expense)

smilie:  :hug:

photograph (not professional or purchased): Any of my son's school pics

musical instrument: Flute (Played since I was 9)

sub EVER posted on SS: Jason's This Is The Moment

online game: Scrabble & Pyramids

coffee shop : Dunkin Donuts

piece of jewelry: My Pearls (gift from bf)

song to sing at Karaoke: Footloose by Kenny Loggins

store: Borders or the like

alcoholic beverage: Fuzzy Naval

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping:  Hawaiian with tomatoes & black olives
clothing brand: Levis
hobby (other than sex, Tig):  reading, MuSiC
juice flavor: cranberry
soft drink:  Pepsi (I don't drink much soda tho)
song:  Your Cheatin' Heart- Hank Williams Sr.
music genre:  Bluegrass
musical artist:  George Jones
gum flavor:  Any kind juicy enough to make me smack loudly  LOL
meal to cook:
 hmmmm........ I hate to cook- I guess fried chicken, that's easy to do
color:  Bright Yellow
book:  Gone With The Wind
movie:  Footloose, nothing's ever topped that movie to me
holiday:  Christmas
smilie:   :wink:
photograph (not professional or purchased):  couldn't begin to pick......????
musical instrument:  Fiddle
sub EVER posted on SS:  can't answer this one..... too many favs I've listened to
online game:  Online pool
coffee shop:  Yum Yum's
piece of jewelry:  My mom's wedding ring, it was passed to me & I love it
song to sing at Karaoke:
 sober- Tennessee Flat Top Box, drunk- EvErYtHiNg
alcoholic beverage:  Salty Dog- or Jack (on the rocks)- or Margaritas- or Slippery Nipples- or Vodka & Cranberry...... they all don't mix well though, lol[highlight=gold][/highlight]

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Okay- I am SOOO not good at this "changing font colors" thing on here. I had to edit that FOUR times to get it all readable.

Cool thread Crystal,  I hope you get a huge response here.  :clapper:

Author:  Crystal [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

weee!! Lookit all the responses!! AND all the purdy colors!!

Thanks, BSS.... I thought it would be fun...

If anyone else can think of any other favorites to ask... BY ALL MEANS!!

otherwise.... keep goin.... this is fun :D

Author:  karaokefun [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Favorite ........Everything?

Pizza topping: Pretty much any kind of animal that doesn't belong to the fish family.

clothing brand: Fruit of the Loom

hobby (other than sex, Tig): Darts

juice flavor: Grape

soft drink: Sprite, 7up, and the like

song: At the moment, I'm Gonna Hate Myself in the Morning

music genre: Country, Soft Rock

musical artist: Lots of faves, but Meatloaf and Alan Jackson would be up there

gum flavor: Cinnamon

meal to cook: Chicken noodle casserole

color: Blue

color to wear:  Green

book: The Complete Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

movie: To Sir With Love

holiday: my birthday

smilie:   :drool:  

photograph (not professional or purchased): Closeup of a mule deer at the Grand Canyon

musical instrument: Air Cowbell

sub EVER posted on SS:

online game: ESPN's poker club

coffee shop : Tim Horton's

piece of jewelry: I have a silver necklace that some girl left at my house. It's kind of nice.

song to sing at Karaoke: The Macarena, Just Once

store: Best Buy, Lord & Taylor

alcoholic beverage: Beerded Captain (Captain Morgan & Root Beer)

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