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Member Rank vs. Rank Given
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Author:  syberchick70 [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Member Rank vs. Rank Given

Just curious here....

How many of you who rank people (and allow ranking on your subs), find that you have about the same 'Member Rank' as your 'Average Rank Given'?

Mine is currently exactly the same, and the two numbers have been very close to each other for quite a while now.

Anyone else?

Author:  NeverHeardOfHer [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

My given rank is higher than my member rank, right now (by .4).... not sure what that says about me, but, that is the way it is, in any case.  :dontknow:

Both had been pretty even, but I hadn't subbed in quite a while...now that I have been subbing more again, my member rank has went down some....not complaining, by any means! I think my member rank is more than I would have given myself, but then, we are always harder on ourselves!  :banghead: ( I love these emoticons in case you hadn't noticed ;) )

Good topic....anxious to hear what others say.

Author:  Crystal [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

yep. mine are always pretty close...

Author:  Suzanne Lanoue [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

I never really paid attention to the two together before, but in general my Average rank is higher than my Member Rank. I tend to rank people pretty high, so that's why....I give out lots of 8's, 9's and 10's. I still haven't gotten a 10 as my member rank :(

Author:  Crystal [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

Suzanne wrote:
I give out lots of 8's, 9's and 10's. I still haven't gotten a 10 as my member rank

so, Suzanne... just to clarify... are you saying that you think people should rank you a 10 because that's what you rank others?

Author:  Suzanne Lanoue [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

Crystal @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:41 am wrote:
Suzanne wrote:
I give out lots of 8's, 9's and 10's. I still haven't gotten a 10 as my member rank

so, Suzanne... just to clarify... are you saying that you think people should rank you a 10 because that's what you rank others?

No, not at all.  Everyone has their own ways of ranking and their own opinions.  What I give people should have no relation to what they give me.  The question was whether the two numbers match up. Mine don't, but I expect that because I know I give pretty high ranking numbers.  

My last comment about not getting a ten was just a general gripe :) Don't you feel sorry for me?  LMAO

Author:  syberchick70 [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

LOL Suzanne ;)

I think this is pretty interesting, but I'm not sure if it's because we (who have the two numbers very close) have fallen into an 'average' ranking pattern that follows most other folks, or if our own ranks actually have something to do with the ranks we are giving out.

Not that I'M complaining, mind you!! heheh ;) I guess the answer to THAT question, lies in what our ranks actually are at this point. Somehow, I doubt they are all close to the same... leaving the probability that we basically 'give what we get' (for the most part, of course).

I'm still curious to see if many other folks are experiencing this phenomenon.

Author:  Rainbowgnu [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

Member Rank = 9.3
Given Rank = 8

I guess I'm just an example of fluff... LOL

Author:  syberchick70 [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

Nah, Brett... you just get 'flirt points' ;)


Author:  Gilly [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

My numbers are not going to be of any use to you, because I have only ever ranked once or twice, AND only ever BEEN ranked once or twice. My average given rank is '9', and my member rank is 9.9.

Sorry seby:) I always want to help you, but, I am fairly useless here:)

BUT, i do pumpkin pie! Want some?

Author:  Gilly [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

Oh, and I wanted to make another point.

If you go to the "top ranked songs"  (I am gonig to use crystal as an example here, as she was the first one I clicked on) Her sub "wrong again" has a rank of 8.7.

But,  if you go to her profile, and look at the rank it has, it has an 8.8.

Seby, same with your redo of don't speak. It is 9.1 on your profile page, but 9.0 on the top ranked page.

No big deal, but a little odd that all of them are of by .1.

Ok, i need a life.

Author:  syberchick70 [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given

mmmm pumpkin pie!!!  :drool:

Do I get some vanilla ice-cream to go with that? Or at least cream-whip... I prefer mine chilled, but right now I wouldn't mind either way... and some nice warm coffee alongside

oh wait.. I got distracted!! ;)

That IS odd, Gilly!! About the numbers I mean. I wonder if they are calculated differently? I mean, no biggie or anything... but being the curious type I am, I think about these things. heheh :D

Author:  Crystal [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Member Rank vs. Rank Given


oohhhh.... gotcha! ;)
nevermind me!

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