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Author:  daddyrog [ Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

Hi all; I am new to  karaoke; but my kids have been singing a little at a local
karaoke club; and I thought I would try and set them up with a pretty good system.
 this will be used mostly for home partys; but I would also like to be setup well enough to have some outdoor partys if I choose to; nothing like the outdoors on a good cool summer night.
 So far I have a RSQ333 player and shure p57 mic's; I would appreachate advice on a powered mixer and speakers for this unit.
I also have a set of floor monitors; that are 300w max 12 inch; but I don't believe they will do what I want with the outdoors.
 Any and all help on this issue; is greatly appreachated; like I stated above I am new and know nothing about this; but if it will keep the kids home and off the street than it will be worth it; although I don't want to spend any more need be.
Many thanks daddyrog.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

There are many ways to go and many differant ways  to do it --
Here's one way....  

Speakers: PEAVEY PR12 - 12"  These will run you about $300 for a pair, They are very lightweight and good sounding . Enough sound for home or small outdoor parties as long as you're not planning a concert or something.  I have these and use them professionaly and thats why I'm suggesting

Amp/Mixer- For your use I would go with a powered mixer - They are all in one, easy to set up and include effects and so forth - Yamaha , Peavey, Behringer all offer smaller units in the $300 range. I'm sure there are many more brands/Mfgs so look into a powered mixer .

Good Luck

Author:  Tony [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

I suggest the JBL Eon powered speakers with a Behringer mixer.

Author:  daddyrog [ Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

thanks; for the reply fellows; I don't thank I want to go with the powered speakers;
because electric outlets are limited outside;
JAMKARAOKE; I have looked at the PEAVEY PR12  speakers and think that is the way I will go; what watt power mixer do you suggest to match these speakers.
 Also; forgive me for the dumb ??  but like I said I know nothing about matching speakers and mixers; and I have a small 125 watt mixer and was just wondering if I could add an amp to this mixer to get the extry wattage that I need;

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP


List the name and model # of the amp you are thinking about using. I'm not the best to give advice on matching amp w/ speakers but from what I can tell
If you saying you have a 125w mixer amp it's probably a home type stereo amp which might not to the trick.  Again you can get away with almost anything but you want to make sure you have enough power for your speakers but not TOOO much.

If you like the Peavey PR12 lightweights , check out  their powered models also
Again they are lightweight and relatively inexpensive and powered to match .

List the model number of the AMP/MIXER you have and someone here will
give you some good advice....

Author:  daddyrog [ Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

  NRG 6-125 RACKMASTER Powered Mixer.  125 watts into 4 ohms / 65 watts into 8 ohms.  2 speaker inputs.  6 channels all w/ Effects, Hi EQ, Lo EQ, Monitor, and Level knobs.  3 pin XLR and 1/4 inch jacks on each channel.  Also has Effects send and return inputs, Left and Right tape inputs, Master Volume, Reverb and more.

  I have two grand daughters age's 6 and 4 and they both love karaoke but they both are shy on the mic. and with what i have i can't get there vocals up with the music.
I don't mind buying another mixer if it will give me good results; and also was wondering if 15's would serve my purpose better than the peavey 12's.
Thanks again for the help.

Author:  Lonman [ Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

If it's for those ages, I don't think they are really going to care HOW it sounds as long as they can sing.  Keep what you got, maybe get better speakers, but I wouldn't worry at this point if it's mostly for your daughters.  You can always expand at a later date if THEY start complaining.
To get their vocals up, they need to sing straight into the mic (this may be where you might want to improve on), most kids hold the mic straight up & sing OVER it, not into it.  Turn the music down & their vocals up..

Author:  daddyrog [ Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

Lonman; Thanks for the input; I know a lot of it is the grandchidren not singing into the mic; but I also have trouble when someone that know's how; sings. I have to turn the mic's about 3/4 up to get with the music;  then if your not careful you get the feedback; I know a lot of the problem is me not knowing what I'M doing with the mixer controls; but there is a problem somewhere; I just need to figure out if it's in this old mixer or my speakers; or maybe both; I don't believe it's a mic problem because I have 2 shure 58's and 2 from Radio Shack and I get the same results from both; I also have a karaoke player on my pc and I get a better mix with it than my portable unit; using the same mics.
  Thanks to all for the help; daddyrog.

Author:  timberlea [ Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

As for the limited number of outlets for powered speakers, do what we do, use a power bar.  Plug speakers and bass bins into the power bar and plug it into the socket.  We've never suffered any problems by doing this.

Author:  daddyrog [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

well I've just about decided to go with a new mixer; and I'm looking toward a mackie 406;
 I've see a lot of talk about the 808 but that's a little more than I want to spend; anyone using the 406; if so how does it perform; thanks again.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

daddyrog @ Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:24 pm wrote:
well I've just about decided to go with a new mixer; and I'm looking toward a mackie 406;
 I've see a lot of talk about the 808 but that's a little more than I want to spend; anyone using the 406; if so how does it perform; thanks again.

It's the same as the 808M except less power.  Still a great choice for home use.

Author:  daddyrog [ Wed Mar 30, 2005 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MIXER & SPEAKER HELP

Thanks Lonman; for all the advise; you've been a great help.

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