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Random distortion in speakers (PROBLEM FIXED)
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Author:  NashvilleNights [ Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Random distortion in speakers (PROBLEM FIXED)

I have a couple of issues with program freezing and with random distortion. It sounds similar to a blown speaker, but it's not the speaker because I sent a line signal from my phone and through my mixer and then to my speaker and powered up the volume and it was clear as could be. I also thought it could be a mixer issue, so I purchased a brand new Yamaha MX12GU and I'm still having same issue. Also bought a brand new Legion Gaming Computer but still the same problems. So i've ruled out a mixer, laptop, speaker as the problem, only thing left is the program itself, or possibly a bad wire? Any advice wiould be helpful.

Bose L1 PRO 16 tower and base speaker
Lenovo Legion Slim 7i 16" Laptop
Sennheiser EW-D with 835-S wireless mic
Karaosoft/Karma software program

Author:  NashvilleNights [ Thu Feb 08, 2024 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random distortion in speakers while using Karma/Karaosof

I found the distortion issue problem with the help of another KJ in Alabama. I uninstalled the Steinberg driver that's needed to run the Yamaha MG12XU and the re-installed the Steinberg download, then I changed out the XLR cable that runs from that Mixer to the Bose speaker (only requires 1 xlr speaker wire). One of those two solved the distortion problem. So the distortion problem has nothing to do with the Karaosoft program itself. The program freezing is a whole seperate issue that I have no answers to, and I had no luck getting answers to fix the issue through Karaosoft. Hope the distortion issue helps someone else that is having the same problem... sounded very similar to a blown speaker.

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