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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:05 am 

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What is it that made the concept invented in Japan first rather than the UK or the USA which are the countries that typically make these revolutionary advances in music?Did the leadng countries of English language lack specific cultural tendencies that delayed them from inventing the singing machines?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:03 pm 
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Japan has always been at least 10 years ahead of us when it comes to technology. They introduce and market new technology and we adopt it.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:09 am 
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The first karaoke machine was invented by Japanese musician Daisuke Inoue in Kobe, Japan in 1971, to practice singing, however Inoue admits to not creating the name “karaoke”. A Japanese entertaining group created the phrase after an orchestra went on strike and a machine was used instead to play the music. “Karaoke” translates to “empty orchestra”.

The above being said, we here in the US had Saturday morning "Sing Along" in movie theaters. (Follow The Bouncing Ball On The Screen) As I recall, it was in the 1950s, possibly earlier.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:14 am 
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Also, This.

From 1961 to 1966, the American TV network NBC carried a karaoke-like series, Sing Along with Mitch, featuring host Mitch Miller and a chorus, which superimposed the lyrics to their songs near the bottom of the TV screen for home audience participation. The primary difference between Karaoke and sing-along songs is the absence of the lead vocalist.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:14 am 
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jdmeister wrote:
The first karaoke machine was invented by Japanese musician Daisuke Inoue in Kobe, Japan in 1971, to practice singing, however Inoue admits to not creating the name “karaoke”. A Japanese entertaining group created the phrase after an orchestra went on strike and a machine was used instead to play the music. “Karaoke” translates to “empty orchestra”.

The above being said, we here in the US had Saturday morning "Sing Along" in movie theaters. (Follow The Bouncing Ball On The Screen) As I recall, it was in the 1950s, possibly earlier.

Oh, way earlier. It started in 1924 with "Song Car Tunes" from Red Seal Pictures (and done by Max Fleisher of Betty Boop, Superman, and Popeye cartoon fame). When Fleischer started his own studio, it became "Screen Songs," and ran from 1929 - 1938, and then later they were re-done in color in 1945.

(holy heck, I contributed something for a change!)

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:52 pm 
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don't quote me, this is my opinion:

i've felt that japan / overseas invented karaoke because we have the 'megastar' singing celebrities here that are known world-wide. so, it'd make sense to me that a person who lives outside the u.s. would 'create' karaoke to fantasize about singing songs by american megastars. like, again, don't quote me, but i felt karaoke was invented so folks could sing elvis songs. i'd guess elvis used to have the most songs in karaoke, back in the day.

i'd guess that we wouldn't 'create' karaoke here because many megastar singers lived in the u.s. we could see them in concert here, live, faster than someone who lives in japan, etc. so i've often felt in my mind, japan / overseas 'created' karaoke to feel closer to the megastar singers we have in the u.s. that they don't have immediate access to: michael jackson, elvis, whitney houston, dolly parton, nat king cole, frank sinatra...

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