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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 2:02 am 
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IYO, do KJs have a 'basic' right to use a venue's TVs for our karaoke shows?

We sometimes use their tables to put our books on or equipment
We use their electricity for our shows
We may use their in-house pens, pencils
We sometimes use their in-house speakers

do we KJs have a 'basic' right to use their TVs?

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 2:20 am 
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Here's my situation:

Been working at a venue for a year. There are 3 managers. 2 outta the 3 don't care if I use their big-screen TV posted high on a wall where I set up. Of course, 1 manager seems to have a problem with it and he usually works during my nights.

That one manager wants sports to be available for customers to watch on the TV I try to use for karaoke. I point out there are plenty of TVs in the venue. All showing sports or movies. And the one single TV I try to use that's supposed to be playing sports is usually showing infomercials.

Before I worked this gig, a young lady KJ worked it before me and she was able to use their TV. I know because she forgot her HDMI cord. I tracked her down and offered to buy it from her so her cord could stay where it was--the TV is so high up on the wall. I used the TV for about 4 months but for the last 8 months I've been asked to use my own TV.

So I'm just wondering aloud, don't KJs have a basic right to use a venue's TVs? Especially in the year 2022? The years 1994, 2004, were different. But it's 2022 now. We use a venue's electricity. Sometimes their in-house speakers. it's only a 3-4 hour gig, why not let us use just one TV too?

Also in my case, at least 1 other KJ works on a different night and at least one DJ works at the same venue with me but on different nights, yet we all work in the same spot of the room. I'll have to ask them if they're allowed to use the TV but it seems so since I see the TV suddenly has all types of cords hanging from it nowadays as if the other KJ or DJ uses it. If they are allowed, I'm sure the 1 manager will explain that my night is the best night for sport tv, not theirs.

Their in-house TV that I'd like to use is near my set up, it's a nice big size that can be seen throughout the room. When I'm forced by this 1 manager to bring in my TV, I'm sure folks are thinking to themselves, 'why doesn't this KJ realize he can hook up to one of their TVs? there are plenty of TVs in the venue'.

And a nice big TV screen showing karaoke, i think gets more people to sing because they see how easy it is or the words are so big up there they know they can follow along.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:28 am 
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Like it or not you are a private contractor hired for the night, just like the venue doesn't supply you with your song library and other aspects of your karaoke gear, you are responsible to put the show together, and make it work. That is why you need to sit down with the owners and discuss with them just how much equipment they intend to supply and how much you need to bring to have a successful show. The problem I see is 2 out of three owners want karaoke, and the holdout wants it to be a sports bar, and probably doesn't like karaoke.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:51 am 
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I dont 5hink we have a "right" to anything the bar offers to use, as a company you should provide everything, though they usually have a table that can be used (would never think of asking to use their pens). That said i have not worked a bar yet that didn't allow me to hook into at least 1 tv if not more for audience. But will always leave local sports teams playing at least until the game's over. So if they don't, you either provide your own or don't worry about it.

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