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Wow, where IS everyone;)Oooh! Hand up! I know where I am!
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Author:  Gilly [ Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Wow, where IS everyone;)Oooh! Hand up! I know where I am!

Ya know, I am here:) don't be sad... lol, cough cough... yes, you better be on the edges of yer seats wondering what MY life is up to.

Ok, but really.... can't ya'll fight some more? I THRIVE on drama.


Ooh, i got high speed back today. how exciting.

Why do I feel the need to make a fool of myself in front of people? well, you can't see me, so, i suppose it isn't THAT bad...

argh, well, somedays its just not worth gnawing through the straps...

Author:  xjose9x [ Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

good stuff gillly.....

haha now you have no excuse and i will make you listen to my subs....awful experience i tell ya....


Author:  Gilly [ Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, i DID say i had high speed, but, i didn't make any promises to LISTEN to anyone! What do you TAKE me for? polite? nopers, you got the wrong gilly.

Umm.. err.. I am busy.. packing.. yuppers, thats it;)

speaking of packing... I need some boxes..... and pie. I could always use some more pie. Cheesecake.. perhaps.. ihave some low carb cheesecake in the fridge.. hmm..

And sleep. what AM i doing babbling to myself at this hour, where everyone can read my nonsense?

Oh, and hi jose.

Author:  xjose9x [ Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol you are too too much gillyyyy....aghh diets...i´ve been on a 2200 calorie diet for the past 2 weeks...holy crap does that suck...lol...im a big guy i need my calories...aghhhh...babbling of course...i get hungry and i just devour on Diet jell-o...no sugar no nothin´...very sad....hmm...

Author:  Sheree [ Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Silly Gilly!!! :lol: Hey... it's almost midnight here! Bring on the cheesecake!!! Image

Author:  Genise [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:22 am ]
Post subject: 

2200 calories a day....is that a diet lol god i want one like that it sucks working on less than a 1000...but its worth it 4 weeks later that i now can fit into a pair of jeans i deliberately brought a size smaller....i stuck them to the back of my wardrobe thinking yes you just wasted your money cause ya never last more than 2 weeks on a diet lol

Author:  timberlea [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Gilly, I can solve your boxes and pie problem with one stop. The grocery store

Author:  Gilly [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:54 am ]
Post subject: 

2000 calories is a lot jose! Well, for most people:)

Missy- lol, My husband ONLY lets me buy my pants smaller... I lose weight too fast, and if I buy them so they fit me at THAT moment, then, they don't stay around for long. So, I do have some size 5's and 7 's in the closet, patiently waiting:)

Sheree- Lol, well I posted that at 1:30 am, and I wanted cheesecake? Lol, i had asome too:) shhh... it was no sugar though:)

Timberlea- hush, whenever i see YOUR picutre, i only want a donair!!!
Yuppers, I am stopping into the no frills, and getting some boxes today:)

Author:  xjose9x [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

well yea it is a lot...but i do burn about 900 to 1000 everyday so i guess it evens out....its too little

Author:  Melly [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Lord help me from counting caloires....i have 5 7 11 and Elastic....so there! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Micky [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Packing???

You now have high speed and you are packing? Shouldn't you be unpacking :roll: :roll:

Any chance of recording a nice duet lately :lol: You'll have some catching up to do soon :wink:

Author:  Gilly [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lol, micky:) we are moving. So, I am packing. We move on the 18th. ANd then, I need to UNPACK. And, we bought all new appliances, etc etc.. so, a lot of installing to do.

BUT, i have been sick, and now am feeling better (I haven't recorded in a couple weeks now?), and plan to do our song this weekend:) I tried it when you first sent it to me, but I sounded wretched. So, retry this weekend:)

Hugs babe

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now regarding that question, "Where is everybody"


It's very slow tonight in here. I can't believe people would rather be doing something other than chatting with me, on a weekend night !

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

HAHAHA Steve, Get a life !

Author:  Gilly [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Steven Kaplan wrote:
It's very slow tonight in here. I can't believe people would rather be doing something other than chatting with me, on a weekend night !

I know! How DARE they have lives?!

That's how i ALWAYS feel! I swear, everyone here should devote SOME of their day to thinking of me, or talking to me.

Argh. People.

Steven- you go by Steve? May i call you steve? And, my real name IS Gilly, by the way. I remembe rreading SOMEWHERE that someone told you.. oh, miss milo, told you to call her jeanne, and you said something about oh, never mind, I am babbling.

Author:  Crystal [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gilly wrote:
I lose weight too fast

Jose wrote:
but i do burn about 900 to 1000 everyday

dammit and I was just startin to LIKE you two!! Now you're both officially on my "I HATE YOU" list! Image

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes Gilly, Steve is fine, that N at the end makes things too formal anyway.

Author:  Gilly [ Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:40 am ]
Post subject: 

My father in law is named Steve. He doesn't like me, I am annoying.

Crystal- Lol, well, It was hard for me, because me, being a WOMAN, wanted to SHOP! When I lost weight... but, I kept LOSING, way faster than I thought I would, and I was never able to actually buy new clothes, while I was losing. I started off at a size 18... then, in one month, was down to 14... during that time, I just hid in the house wearign gigantic clothes. Lol, then, I hit the mall, and bought some clothes.. sadly, they were my correct size for THAT time. within two weeks, they looked silly, so, I had to take them in... from then on, I just bought clothes that were too small for me, THAT way, they wear a littel tight at first, then perfect, and then too loose, and then, I sew em. I am still slowly losing now.. and don't really notice, until I put on a pair of jeans, and notice they are smaller, so, i get on a scale, and realize i dropped another couple lbs. I don't keep track anymore, or actively TRY to REALLY lose weight.. seems to be doing fine on its own. besides, I like to eat.

So far, I have halved my original size. From an 18 to a 9. But, I can wear some size 7's. My pre-baby size was a 2. I won't ever see THAT number on a tag again:) My little sis wears a 0... umm, can SOMEONE explain to me WHAT a size ZERO is?! Like, ok, "how many apples do you have gill", "oh, me? None, zero"... ok, so, she should be NAKED! There shouldn't BE a size 0, it should be INVISIBLE>.. no, SHE should be invisible.. wait, she turns sideways, and she IS! (and, she is 5'6", and a size 0.. a 0!! AHHH!.) ok, all better now. I needed a morning rant.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Is a size 7 or 9, comparable to a 27, or 29 inch waist?

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:07 am ]
Post subject: 

My father in law is named Steve. He doesn't like me, I am annoying.

Sounds as if he has an attitude problem :lol:

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