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KJs...and the 10-year 'mountain'
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Author:  Product 19 [ Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  KJs...and the 10-year 'mountain'

I've been 'half-wondering' lately: in this new 21st century, how often will KJs
anywhere maintain the same hosting gig at the same venue--for 10 years or +?

I half-wonder if the 10-yr milestone was something mostly possible
"back in the day"; during a 'different era'. Agree?

I;ve known KJs who hosted at the same venue for 10 yrs; including myself.
But does this happen anymore...these days? Or does today's era have too many ways
to trip things up--before one can reach 10 yrs, unlike 'back in the day'?

What say y'all? Agree / Disagree?

And, what's the longest you've heard of a KJ hosting at the same spot...continuously?

Author:  Product 19 [ Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJs...and the 10-year 'mountain'

By the way, my question is focusing on the year 2020 onward. For example, if a KJ starts a gig today, Saturday, June 26, 2021, what are the odds that this KJ will still be at that venue still hosting karaoke on June 26, 2031?

I feel like, 'back in the day' maybe the odds were 50/50 (ha!) a random KJ could still be there 10 yrs later. Or let's say the odds were simply better. But today in 2021, what are the odds?

Author:  Product 19 [ Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJs...and the 10-year 'mountain'

I bring this all up, because I was thinking about my KJ friend; the other day
I was thinking about his 10-yr stint at that one venue...

He was there before camera phones were popular
So I was wondering how much did he document his 10-year stint?

Because, my God, I'd say today might mark 10 yrs since he was let go, 10 yrs ago.
Man, I used to go to his karaoke night, when he was there for 10 yrs. It was fun.

I don't ever recall him taking pictures, etc. He's not that kind of KJ
I was wondering now that it's been 10 yrs since, does he miss the lack of 'documentation'?

Do you / he miss after putting 10 yrs into a show at one place
that there isn't any pictures or videos to look back on?
5+ or 7+ or 10 years later, does it ever feel like it never happened at all?
Especially if the restaurant is now gone?

I'm thinking in 2021 it's 'easier' to document your 10 years maybe...
Then again, who's doing 10 years these days, I started to wonder...so I'm asking

Author:  mrmarog [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJs...and the 10-year 'mountain'

I have been at a place for 13 years, and have a folder of pictures for every show I ever did there. It is extremely interesting to go back and see the changes in the people and atmosphere.

Author:  NoShameKaraoke [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJs...and the 10-year 'mountain'

Those would have been the "early days" for me--karaoke really became a force in my life in the late 2000s. There are lots of pictures from those days, as digital cameras had really become a thing, and the smartphone phase was starting to begin.

I hate those pictures, though. I had so much more hair and so much less gut.

Author:  spotlightjr [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJs...and the 10-year 'mountain'

I've personally been at one venue about 10 years and another off and on for 11 years. If I'm being honest, it may have been wiser to switch things up and maybe alternate with out other hosts. Most people hate change, and when I have needed time off for dental work, surgery, sickness and even an occasional vacation my regulars complain like hell when I return.

Its maddening to a point because I have very capable hosts who do a great job and I feel they sometimes get mistreated because of my absence. Its no different at our trivia shows. People are used to one host and often when another fills in or takes over their is lash back.

The nature of the beast I guess. As far as present times go, I seriously doubt many hosts will have tenure or longevity. Today's Venue owners and managers want immediate results and if you can't produce quickly, its on to the next entertainer. This business gets tougher as time goes on. I appreciate the fact that my company is a fixture in my community and couldn't imagine starting over from scratch

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