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Karma 2021 new scroller docking options...
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Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Karma 2021 new scroller docking options...

Karma 2021.2.1 was just released and adds new left and right docking options to the scroller. Docking the scroller to the sides of the screen has some advantages over the traditional bottom docked scroller.

- For MP3+G or CDG tracks, and any videos that have standard def or closer to square scaling, it's a much better use of screen space.
- More information can be seen and read faster. Smaller sizes can hold even more info because of the auto font scaling, but may require patrons to be closer to the screen.

Here's a YouTube video of moving the dock position, change sizing in real time, and color changes. The demo uses standard def video, which is more square like a CDG or MP3+G graphic. However, even if you use high def videos and karaoke videos with a 16:9 scale, they will all autosize in proper proportions.

If you want to watch on YouTube and take it full screen, here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8y_PTB52pA

ScrollDockSettings.png [ 164.09 KiB | Viewed 30414 times ]
Docking options from the settings window

leftdock1.png [ 54.98 KiB | Viewed 30414 times ]
Left dock at smaller scale

RightDock.png [ 32.58 KiB | Viewed 30414 times ]
Right dock at larger scale

Just like when bottom docked, all size changes proportionally change both the thickness and font size in synch.

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