KJs can now see GPS location data on each slip in the slip history (from the customer menu at karaosoft.com). Even on past slips, because we've been recording the data since day one. When singers go to SingNext.com, they're basically forced to agree to sharing their location, so each and every slip has location data. We're just now making it visible to the KJs. The 3 data points are Latitude, Longitude, and Accuracy.
A couple notes on Accuracy. Accuracy is measured in meters and let's you know how accurate the GPS location data is. For example, if it says "15", that means the person was within a 15 meter radius of that exact location when the slip was sent. Accuracy has many factors, from the device it was sent from, to the number of GPS satellites above the horizon within relative line of sight. Average accuracy is about 30 meters, with some as accurate as 11 meters, but occasionally you'll get someone who wasn't within GPS range and their phone used cell tower triangulation to get their location, in which case you'll see accuracy readings over 4,000 because the device only has a vague idea where it is.
Locations can be looked up at maps.Google.com by typing in the Latitude, a comma, and then the Longitude with zero spaces. Include any preceding negative dash (most likely in all longitude values here in the US) This can come in handy for KJs who later want to have records of locations for numerous reasons like getting reports by venue, or finding out if that prank slip was actually sent from Fred's apartment or the diner down the street