Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:46 pm
Hi all, thinking of new things to get me through the lockdown and beyond, and being as they say in Scotland ‘no a bad chanter’, and partial to a bit of Karaoke now and again, I thought let’s get a machine for now,and to practice with for later when we get out.
I would like something decent, that I can use with YouTube lyrics, or CDG, plugs into the telly, the sound and mic quality are good.
I’d pay up to £100 for the kit, but could pay more if you feel it’s worth it. I have been in Amazon but it’s hard to know what’s good. I used to have a DVD player with 2 mic sockets that plugged into the TV, with sound out of a home theater system,and that was great for practice and parties. It's long dead though.
All and any suggestions would be welcome.