Hi everyone! Long time!
I see that absolutely nothing has changed around here. The angry & bitter are
still preaching from the same sad soapbox, and
still managing to draw a crowd with the same tired sermon of karaoke hell and damnation!
It has now been
NINE YEARS since I licensed GEM Set #1. And after all the speculation, guesswork, lies, rumors and invented nonsense, I am still a happy and satisfied user. While I only do a handful of private parties a year now, the set paid for itself
many, many years ago.
For the record, in the last
NINE years I have had:
NO requests for audits
NO requests for financial records
NO requests for additional funds
NO requests or court demands for the discs back
NO harassment
NO changes in the licensing terms
NO surprise fees
NO phone calls
NO knocks on the door
NO renewal rate increase
NONE of these and other predictions came to pass.
NINE YEARS old friends!
Carry on...as you were. See you in a year for the big 10yr anniversary!