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Author:  Darkmessenger5 [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  CAVS Super CDG

I wanted to run this by all of you. I am putting together a SCDG Library for my second show. i contacted Sound Choice to see if they were ever going to move into the relm of SCDG. I was first informed no they are not. SCDG's are illegal. CAVS does not hav permission from the companies they have sold music for. Music Maestro pulled their contract with CAVS because CAVS did not pay the license fees.

Now, I have also talked to CAVS and they stated they are not working with Sound Choice. I can now see why.

Has anyone heard that CAVS is not following the legal guidelins and should I be concerned with what Sound Choice is saying?

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:55 pm ]
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Cavs and SC have NEVER gotten along.

I haven't heard if the SCDG stuff is legal or not, no.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:11 pm ]
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knightshow wrote:
Cavs and SC have NEVER gotten along.

I haven't heard if the SCDG stuff is legal or not, no.

SCDG is not illegal, it is a format. It's what GOES on them that possible may be constrewd as illegal.

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:25 pm ]
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I would think that if you bought them from a retail source and not off the street corner that it is their burden to carry not yours... once ya buy them, even if it turns out they are not licensed to do so, they would be hard pressed to recall the ones they have sold. most likely they would just get a cease and desist order barring them from selling any more. moral of the story??? grab em while ya can LOL- tig

Author:  karaokemeister [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:33 pm ]
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Here we are back to the same old a coupled issue - licensing and copyright.

The problem is that there are a lot of 'shady' dealers that preload machines without the copyright holder/licensed manufactuer's pemission and/or format-shift content without providing the orginal content. Because this is far more common with CAVS players than any other CAVS is sometimes held as the scapegoat. They might have had an agreement with someone (ie Music Maestro) to sell content and failed to pay those fees or not. Basically, the player is legal to manufacture and the format appears to be legal (could be licensing issues if they use MP3, but I'm not 100% up to speed on CAVS JB-99/199 and SCDG).

In anther post I made on copyright when I talked with Sound Choice it was a major rift between the two companies and I wouldn't expect to see them working together any time soon.

I've not see anything on CAVS being illegal, only some sellers taking 'liberties' so to speak with what they offer with the players.

I've heard there is a program that allows you convert CDG's to SCDG's. If you have the CDG's you might want to pursue this route in lieu of waiting for SC to put out content on SCDG. BTW, last time I checked all the main Chartbuster Paks (1-5) and most of Numarks catalog were available on SCDG.

Author:  ificouldonlysing [ Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:11 am ]
Post subject: 

I worked for a major karaoke retailer who was/is making illegal copies of Nutech Party pak Vol 1 and 2 on SCDG. The best way to tell is to look at the disk, if it has the word karaoke on the lower part of the disk misspelled, you have an illegal copy. Another way to tell is if your disk keeps cracking at the center.

That same retailer also loaded disk packs on to Cavs players, and other systems illegally.

The sad part, these practices are more the norm in the karaoke industry.

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