Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Finding the Song/Maker ID
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Author:  gpierce9 [ Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Finding the Song/Maker ID

I have a few karaoke or instrumental songs that I bought over the years.
I use them for practice.

Of course, I cannot take them to a karaoke DJ to sing with.
I would like to know how I could figure out the makers ID for a song.
Or at least come close to it. Then I can ask the DJ to play his version
which is close to mine.

Ideas? Glen

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finding the Song/Maker ID

Why can't you take it on a flash drive to allow your DJ to play it?
I have the ability to play off flash drives if I chose to. The majority of softwares allow you to do that. Personally, I believe Hoster to being the best at doing it because it allows you to temporarily copy the songs and hand back the flash drive immediately.

Author:  earthling12357 [ Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finding the Song/Maker ID

Look the song up here:
and you will be able to see the different versions available.
From there, you may be able to follow a link to hear a sample.
That should help you narrow it down.

Otherwise, just give the KJ a title and try all of the versions your favorite KJ has until you find one you like.

Or you can just get used to the version available where you sing.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finding the Song/Maker ID

gpierce9 wrote:
I have a few karaoke or instrumental songs that I bought over the years.
I use them for practice.

Of course, I cannot take them to a karaoke DJ to sing with.
I would like to know how I could figure out the makers ID for a song.
Or at least come close to it. Then I can ask the DJ to play his version
which is close to mine.

Ideas? Glen
Not really sure what you are looking for. I would look in the kj's book - or their online/phone app book - or ask the kj if they have the song and take the chance and pick it. More often than not it'll be either as good or better than the one you practice to. If a kj doesn't have the song, then number really won't matter & you could ask the kj if they can find the song for you - provided they buy on the fly.

Also depends on the KJ, have you ever asked if you can bring in a flash drive? I believe most of the hosting softwares have the ability to play off them - it's typically the kj's either lack of knowledge on how to or their flat out refusal to do so, is what would keep them from playing from it. I am a kj that will play from flash drive and disc.
also are they just instrumental tracks or full instrumental with graphics?

Author:  Capt Frank [ Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finding the Song/Maker ID

I also use a flash drive, and I've even connected cell phones with youtube to the mixer. When recording I use backing tracks when available, and I've put them on a flash drive and taken out to shows, the sound is usually really good as well.

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