Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Critique or Just for Fun (revisited)
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Author:  Phill Cross [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Critique or Just for Fun (revisited)

It has been brought to my attention that there is some confussion about what is meant by Critique or Just For Fun.

Critique - this is indicated on the Latest Submissions page by a C being placed next to the number of comments. Also it is stated at above the comment section on the song page - "Please Critique this submission" What this means is the person is open to receiving a rank and a critique of their submission.

Critique \Cri*tique"\ n.
- A critical examination or estimate of a work; a critical dissertation; a careful and thorough analysis of any subject; a criticism.

Just For Fun - this is indicated on the Latest Submissions page by a J being placed next to the number of comments. Also it is stated at above the comment section on the song page - "This submission is Just For Fun" What this means is the person is open to receiving comments on their submission not a rank or a critique.

This further means that individual does not wish to receive an email, PM, or a post in the forums providing them with a critique.

Also, there is one other designation L or Listen Only - this permits no comments, critiques, or ranks.

I hope this explains what these designations stand for.

Thank you,


Author:  kRaZyFoOl [ Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

What happens if I want to provide a critique but don't want to rank? Does that discount the persons rank? I mean if I don't rank does that not count or does it count against them? Just trying to clarify.

And what if on the Just for Fun submission I think that the person was really awesome, can I not tell them that because it is an analysis of there submission?

And what if I think a person really stunk, do I say that I listened but didn't enjoy it but had fun listening to their horrid rendetion?

And what if... oh nevermind

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