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mackey mixer prob
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Author:  bbqbutch [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  mackey mixer prob

im on my 2 nd mackey mixer dfx12 the effects keep going out this time i unhooked everthing and it sounds like the ocean comming out my speakers just started it yesterday any one have any solutions diffrent mixer mabey is the cfx any better really that the dfx help

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Noise or more specifically floor noise in any audio amp is caused from running the amp with the gain way above unity or above the headroom threshold. On the Dfx-12 all unused channels should be muted and the channels used should have the peamp or input gain at unity or only slightly above.Overall gain (with slider should be at 75-95 %) to keep within the linear portion of the operating curve and still have room to stay below the headroom threshold. Also on the Mackie make sure the break switch isnt on or pushed in. To determine if the noise is being generated by the Mackie turn the gain up on the headphones, If you dont hear it there then it is being caused by the main amp in which case turn the gain down..

The efx in the Dfx-12 is on a plugin board and although I've never tried might be a replaceable item from Mackie. The power supply heatsink is located on the bottom close to the inputs and on my systems I run a 12v fan out of a computer to keep the Mackie cool esp at extreme conditions. which blows across the bottom of the case. The Cfx-12 is of the same quality as the Df-12 (essentially the same board.) And I find it hard to believe you have 2 bad ones as I am currently running 2 systems with a Dfx-12 both for about 2 years.

Author:  bbqbutch [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

tryed everything still noise out of effict whin i turn them up 1/2 way

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Turn efx all the way off bypass eq does the main faders have control over the volume of the noise if so at what % do you get noise? Make sure all inputs are muted...

Author:  bbqbutch [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:40 pm ]
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only the efx slider

Author:  bbqbutch [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

with only the mains on and efx slider turn down the efx no noise every thing else is quiet no noise at all it just started out of nowere

Author:  bbqbutch [ Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok thanks guys mixer 101 is just what i needed it worked dont know why i never had this prob before but im glad you helped i had my faders all to low or some to hi so i adjusted faders up to around unity then adjusting my gain on each channel seamed to have worked

Author:  Micky [ Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mackey mixer prob

bbqbutch wrote:
im on my 2 nd mackey mixer dfx12 the effects keep going out this time i unhooked everthing and it sounds like the ocean comming out my speakers just started it yesterday any one have any solutions diffrent mixer mabey is the cfx any better really that the dfx help

Are you sure it's not a Behringer? I often read comments like that in here about this brand, it looks like even a big brand like Mackey has it's problems!! BTW, I bought four different model of UB Mixers and they are all running find, even my first MX-602A :wink:

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mackey mixer prob

Micky wrote:
bbqbutch wrote:
im on my 2 nd mackey mixer dfx12 the effects keep going out this time i unhooked everthing and it sounds like the ocean comming out my speakers just started it yesterday any one have any solutions diffrent mixer mabey is the cfx any better really that the dfx help

Are you sure it's not a Behringer? I often read comments like that in here about this brand, it looks like even a big brand like Mackey has it's problems!! BTW, I bought four different model of UB Mixers and they are all running find, even my first MX-602A :wink:

But he just admitted that he had the settings wrong thus causing the noise & all is well now.
Big name brands DO have problems on occasion (some to points of complete recalls of the units). The cheaper brands just tend to have them more often.

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