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anyone else record their tips?
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Author:  Product 19 [ Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  anyone else record their tips?

so, this year on a whim, i started writing down any tip $ i received, into a computer file.

didn't start out that way in january, i was really recording other personal monetary stuff that had nothing to do with karaoke at all. but i decided to include a section recording any tips for poops & giggles--there's been an elderly singer that comes by kinda often, who insists on tipping me a dollar bill upon every visit. thought i'd start writing it down.

if you don't already do it, look into it. it's really made me appreciate people & life exponentially; seeing the numbers. and it's made me rethink some things about karaoke, life and people.

by the way, i don't operate with a tip jar. normally, if i was tipped, i just stuffed whatever into my pocket, said thanks and didn't really think too much about it.

and if you're wondering, no, i haven't put any tip $ into a special bank account. it's all been spent. wish i did/do, though!

Author:  djdon [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

Don't everyone answer at once lol. Most people won't answer this for fear of repercussions. Like the IRS is watching this page or something. Or that some malicious twit will report someone that says, 'sure, I record them but I do not report them to the IRS." Not that anyone is that stupid to begin with. :withstupid:

Author:  mrmarog [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

djdon wrote:
Don't everyone answer at once lol. Most people won't answer this for fear of repercussions. Like the IRS is watching this page or something. Or that some malicious twit will report someone that says, 'sure, I record them but I do not report them to the IRS." Not that anyone is that stupid to begin with. :withstupid:

Well djdon, you didn't exactly answer it either. What are you afraid of? I give all my tips to the wait staff and bartenders. The way karaoke works around here is that the tables and seats never turn over (when they arrive they stay for evening). However some people still only tip 15% which is not enough for 3 to 4 hours of being waited on. So I do what I can.

Author:  djdon [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

mrmarog wrote:
djdon wrote:
Don't everyone answer at once lol. Most people won't answer this for fear of repercussions. Like the IRS is watching this page or something. Or that some malicious twit will report someone that says, 'sure, I record them but I do not report them to the IRS." Not that anyone is that stupid to begin with. :withstupid:

Well djdon, you didn't exactly answer it either. What are you afraid of? I give all my tips to the wait staff and bartenders. The way karaoke works around here is that the tables and seats never turn over (when they arrive they stay for evening). However some people still only tip 15% which is not enough for 3 to 4 hours of being waited on. So I do what I can.

Ok, I'll answer the question, 'anyone else record their tips?'

I'm sure many people do.

Author:  mrmarog [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

djdon wrote:
mrmarog wrote:
djdon wrote:
Don't everyone answer at once lol. Most people won't answer this for fear of repercussions. Like the IRS is watching this page or something. Or that some malicious twit will report someone that says, 'sure, I record them but I do not report them to the IRS." Not that anyone is that stupid to begin with. :withstupid:

Well djdon, you didn't exactly answer it either. What are you afraid of? I give all my tips to the wait staff and bartenders. The way karaoke works around here is that the tables and seats never turn over (when they arrive they stay for evening). However some people still only tip 15% which is not enough for 3 to 4 hours of being waited on. So I do what I can.

Ok, I'll answer the question, 'anyone else record their tips?'

I'm sure many people do.

djdon, you didn't answer the question ...... you asked a question, what's with that?

Author:  djdon [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

mrmarog wrote:
djdon wrote:
mrmarog wrote:
djdon wrote:
Don't everyone answer at once lol. Most people won't answer this for fear of repercussions. Like the IRS is watching this page or something. Or that some malicious twit will report someone that says, 'sure, I record them but I do not report them to the IRS." Not that anyone is that stupid to begin with. :withstupid:

Well djdon, you didn't exactly answer it either. What are you afraid of? I give all my tips to the wait staff and bartenders. The way karaoke works around here is that the tables and seats never turn over (when they arrive they stay for evening). However some people still only tip 15% which is not enough for 3 to 4 hours of being waited on. So I do what I can.

Ok, I'll answer the question, 'anyone else record their tips?'

I'm sure many people do.

djdon, you didn't answer the question ...... you asked a question, what's with that?

The subject of the OP asks the question 'anyone else record their tips?' I answered it.

Author:  Cueball [ Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

djdon wrote:
The subject of the OP asks the question 'anyone else record their tips?' I answered it.
You know EXACTLY what mrmarog meant. That's just semantics, and you know it!

Author:  djdon [ Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

cueball wrote:
djdon wrote:
The subject of the OP asks the question 'anyone else record their tips?' I answered it.
You know EXACTLY what mrmarog meant. That's just semantics, and you know it!


I know exactly what he SAID. Asked and answered.

Author:  Krisko [ Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

I don't get tips. I think in 20 years of doing this job, I can count the amount of times I received a tip or accepted a "bribe" on 5 fingers.

(It wasn't even a bribe per se.... I was just able to make something work in my rotation logic to keep the customer happy, and money was just a perk lol)

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

I get some kind of tip every week be it money or drink or ??? some nights are pretty good nights, other nights I get $0 and that's ok too. Bribes.....never - cannot even count on 1 finger the amount of times I accepted a 'bribe'. The only time I took money to 'move someone up' (no not really) was in 95, a guy asked when his girlfriend was up, I told him in 7 singers, he offered $5 to move her - sorry no.
2 songs later he asked again, I said now it's 5 songs, he offered $20 to move her next - I said no.
2 songs later he asked again, I said now it's 3 songs, he offered $25 in which I declined again, then he said well how about I just kick your (@$%&#!) in which I responded, well you could do that but she wouldn't get up any quicker as i'd probably be on the floor (this was a big guy) and said those security guards will detain you while cops are called and charges filed. He sat down.
2 songs later he gets up and asks again, well if you all did the math you'd see she was next. He threw a $50 at me and said get her up next. I grabbed the $50 and said you got it. They left after she sang.

Author:  Krisko [ Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

I have a rotation rule that used to serve me really well...

If I bump you up in the round, it is your last song and I will not accept any more from you or let you help other singers...

It worked really well when my shows were 3-4 rounds, but now my shows are sometime 2 rounds and now it doesn't work lol. I've since modified it... but when I say bribe, it means I was able to work into this rule haha.

Author:  Product 19 [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

honestly, i didn't even think about the IRS when i made this tip thread. geez, i don't think i make anything close enough in tip money to give the IRS a cut

i probably won't record any tip $ again. i was just curious to see what the # was and wanted to have some sort of reference for my "mental files"...just once

Author:  dsm2000 [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

I can never seem to get the levels right . . . The silver dollars are too loud and obnoxious, the two dollar bills are just plain weird, and the rest of the paper money makes faint sounds that sound like a one trick wanna be dj scratch.

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone else record their tips?

My tips go to buying songs, when I get them.

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