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For FoxeRoxy
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Author:  syberchick70 [ Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  For FoxeRoxy

FoxeyRoxy wrote:
Syberchick70 wrote:
You sang this song for me, didn't you?? ;) *poke* Nice job Cindy, fun song.

Reply: LOL - prolly not Syber -- don't know foresure where we stand =) and as long as I don't put rank/critique I won't find out either I guess. Too chicken to do that again =) Thanks for listening tho =)

I would've PM'd or emailed you, but I didn't see a way to do that, so I'm posting here, hope you don't mind.

Just to clarify MY position... I certainly have nothing against you whatsoever. You've never said a single thing to offend me or make me think you were less of a person. I've never seen you blatantly attack another person for no good reason either.

Yes, I was pretty critical on the songs you posted, asking for 'honest opinons' for your competition. I didn't mean anything to be cruel or to discourage you, I was even supportive and told you what I liked about certain songs. I thought it really sucked the way (who was it? DJ_S?) ragged on your songs and got nasty about your comments on another sub, but there wasn't anything I could do about that. I just hope you're not lumping me in with that person automatically.

I don't know if you have any hard feelings from my critiques, and if you do I'm sorry because I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Perhaps you're uncomfortable with me because of something I said to someone else? I don't know... but yes, I do have a temper sometimes and if someone attacks me, I generally defend myself.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I bear you no ill will, I even like you. I think you're a neat lady, I like your comments and your posts in the forums (I think they're well thought out). I even like your doggy picture... as I've said before, I have a real soft spot for Border Collies.

Yes, I WAS gently teasing you with the comment I left on your sub (above) because I know that you know I'm a 'critical' person... but I thought you would find it humorous. =D I was actually poking fun at myself, not you! I have a really good sense of humor. It's ok if you don't want to be buddies, I'll live... but I don't want you to think I 'hate' your singing or anything, because I don't!! If someone asks for critical feedback, I try to give it to them... but I try to look at the good points as well as the 'need work' points. I've tried to improve on that.

Oh, and I'm NO 'fluffy', so if I say something nice, I mean it!! :) Well, just wanted to let you know that regardless of how you feel toward me, I like you. Now you know where *I* stand!! lol

Take care & have a good night.

Author:  Foxe [ Mon Jan 03, 2005 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Settle down Sybs -- ya take things too seriously :D

Author:  syberchick70 [ Mon Jan 03, 2005 5:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

FoxeRoxy wrote:
Settle down Sybs -- ya take things too seriously :D

LOL!! OK... well then ya got me!!! hahah eeeesh

Author:  Foxe [ Mon Jan 03, 2005 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For FoxeRoxy

syberchick70 wrote:
FoxeyRoxy wrote:
Syberchick70 wrote:
You sang this song for me, didn't you?? ;) *poke* Nice job Cindy, fun song.

Reply: LOL - prolly not Syber -- don't know foresure where we stand =) and as long as I don't put rank/critique I won't find out either I guess. Too chicken to do that again =) Thanks for listening tho =)

See these thingys "=)" those are called smilies -- there's 3 of 'em in my response -- LOL (plus one of those).

I wouldn't smile if I were being ugly.

Thanks for your support on the DJ thingy. I'm over it & I just meant that I haven't gotten the nerve up to get ranked again after the last brutal swipe I got -- which was from HIM not YOU.

Don't feel like leavin myself open for that tuff of stuff yet, didn't say I meant you - I just meant in general -- plus I say YET - one day I'll get the nerve up again to get ranked but for now don't care to - #'s don't mean much to me anyway - 'K?

Like I said -- calm down -- it's fine. G'night.

Author:  syberchick70 [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:37 am ]
Post subject: 

It's cool Cindy, I really was laughing at meself again ('you got me'!!) lol..

I was like, geez... I AM taking it too seriously. Of course, after reading your reply on my comment, I was mostly concerned that you seriously felt I was giving you a hard time or something... but obviously you were just joking around, so no biggie.

I don't blame you for getting a little 'gun-shy' after that guy tearing you up like that (it was really uncalled for) but honestly, I think if he were to continue in that vein, it would be grounds for Phill to kick him (and I think he would).

Anyway, everything's cool and good luck in your contest (you WILL let us know how you do, won't you??). =D

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