DannyG2006 wrote:
I know that this happened last year but suspending credit purchases basically is eliminating a service that was pretty good for a CompuHost user for using the cloud without streaming or needing to be on the Internet during a show. Granted I have to be connected to the Internet to make use of SongbookDB but that's besides the point. I had actually considered reinstalling CompuHost on my laptop for the purpose of adding songs from the cloud to my system.
I spoke to KaraokeWare about this. They would love nothing more than to offer this service again. It's DigiTrax's fault. They obviously could care less about reinstating this great service. They are the provider of the content. It's been around two years now and as you can see, they've done nothing to make their catalog available again for KJ Media Pro.
It's also been around 5 years since they promised that they would provide detailed receipts for their downloaded tracks. And nothing ever became of that either.
I will never believe anything they say again nor will I ever support them again. Their actions have proven that they just don't give a
(@$%!) about us. Another one bites the dust.