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The more things change.....:D
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Author:  Bazza [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  The more things change.....:D

Hey everyone!

Been away awhile. I am singing much more with the bands (now two) than hosting Karaoke these days. I still have a few big money private parties I do annually, but I am essentially out of the weekly bar biz. It's just not worth it anymore (both time AND money).

Nothing much has changed here it seems! Still the same old people, arguing about the same old topics, a decade later. :mrgreen:

The more things change, the more they stay the same! :D Hope all is well with you!


Author:  MtnKaraoke [ Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The more things change.....:D

Hey Bazza! Good to "see" you again.

Author:  c. staley [ Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The more things change.....:D

Bazza wrote:
... I am essentially out of the weekly bar biz. It's just not worth it anymore (both time AND money)....

I'm sorry to hear that... Under the best of circumstances, karaoke is a difficult business to sustain. This does, however, speak volumes about whether or not it's worth it to license the gem series (especially since you traded in cd+g discs you already owned as partial payment)

It appears as though it is not the karaoke nirvana that it has been touted to be.

Author:  Bazza [ Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The more things change.....:D

c. staley wrote:
Bazza wrote:
... I am essentially out of the weekly bar biz. It's just not worth it anymore (both time AND money)....

I'm sorry to hear that... Under the best of circumstances, karaoke is a difficult business to sustain. This does, however, speak volumes about whether or not it's worth it to license the gem series (especially since you traded in cd+g discs you already owned as partial payment)

It appears as though it is not the karaoke nirvana that it has been touted to be.

I see you are still the king of the Twist! :D

I'm not sure why you are "sorry to hear" that I am enjoying the crap out of myself. My choices had absolutely nothing to do with "difficulty sustaining karaoke", perhaps that is a projection from your business? I was sustaining just fine but decided walk away from the weekly bar gigs I already had. I would rather spend my time fronting a band on a Saturday night for a couple hundred bucks, singing all night myself, than host karaoke and watch others sing for $400. Selfish I know. :D

As for your attempted GEM slight, remember my friend, GEM Set #1 paid for itself lonnnnng ago! I still have them, and I still use them for my half a dozen annual private events. The 4th of July gig I do every year is coming up...$1200! That more than covers the GEM $33 annual fee for quite some time. ;) Even ramping down my weekly gigs, GEM is STILL cheaper than buying those obsolete plastic discs you love. Now, it's all gravy. 8)

The only thing "speaking volumes" here, is my original comment about things never changing. :lol:

Author:  c. staley [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The more things change.....:D

Bazza wrote:

I see you are still the king of the Twist! :D

I'm not sure why you are "sorry to hear" that I am enjoying the crap out of myself. My choices had absolutely nothing to do with "difficulty sustaining karaoke", perhaps that is a projection from your business?

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, but you're the one that said:
Bazza wrote:
I am essentially out of the weekly bar biz. It's just not worth it anymore (both time AND money).
Looks more like a reality from your business, not mine especially if it's "not worth the money."
Bazza wrote:
I was sustaining just fine but decided walk away from the weekly bar gigs I already had. I would rather spend my time fronting a band on a Saturday night for a couple hundred bucks, singing all night myself, than host karaoke and watch others sing for $400. Selfish I know. :D
Selfish isn't exactly the term I'd use... I can think of a dozen more appropriate labels that usually have use as a medical condition... like "NPD."

Bazza wrote:
As for your attempted GEM slight, remember my friend, GEM Set #1 paid for itself lonnnnng ago! I still have them, and I still use them for my half a dozen annual private events.
And I'm sure you play at least a thousand of the 6,000 song set of oldies with each of your 6 gigs a year.

Bazza wrote:
The 4th of July gig I do every year is coming up...$1200! That more than covers the GEM $33 annual fee for quite some time. ;) Even ramping down my weekly gigs, GEM is STILL cheaper than buying those obsolete plastic discs you love. Now, it's all gravy.
While you were away, you probably didn't notice that 2 federal districts (about a dozen states) have settled the issue on "media shifting" and declared that it is NOT infringement so it is not "cheaper" than just using the tracks you already had. You gave up your discs (you could still use on a laptop) for a few thousand dollars in payments for a bunch of oldies you now only use a few times a year.... brilliant! Perhaps you also haven't noticed that PEP announced it will give the set away FREE.... if you sign another contract....

And you paid $3,400 or so for something that is now "free?" That means you can't even sell them if you wanted to because they're virtually worthless. And you're still paying PEP $33/year forever for something they now give away? Perfect.
Bazza wrote:
The only thing "speaking volumes" here, is my original comment about things never changing.
The spotlight calls you....

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