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A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke
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Author:  Alan B [ Tue May 23, 2017 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

A lot of people can't stand karaoke and wouldn't be caught dead in a karaoke bar because they can't stand listening to people who can't sing. These are the screamers, the whiners, people who sing off key, are tone deaf and people who shouldn't be singing at all because they are so terrible. These singers drive customers away. They don't want to subject themselves to this torture.

With that said, I have never discriminated between good and bad singers. My motto has always been; Karaoke is not about how good your singing is, it's about having a good time. And I have always tried to make it fun for all.

BUT... wouldn't it be nice if all of your singers were good? It would certainly make the night much more enjoyable and bearable. And non singers would look forward to coming out because they know they're going to be entertained by someone who CAN sing.

So, here's my idea that would solve the problem...

A membership.

Singers would have to apply for a membership. Only the top singers would be approved. Singers would have to audition by singing a song or two and then they would be judged, similar to a contest. If approved, they will be given a membership card and will be allowed to sing at your venue. They can bring friends but only members can sing. So, if you're good, and qualify for a membership, you're in!

Just imagine listening to fantastic singers all night!

Now you may think that this will drive the non member singers away, and it may but you would be gaining the people who couldn't stand karaoke.

What are your thoughts?

Author:  mrmarog [ Tue May 23, 2017 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

I actually had the exact environment that you are hoping to achieve BUT without the audition. For years, when I first started, I had an unbelievably talented following. However, soon that following got so big that the most anyone could sing in an evening was 2 songs. Within 2 years more than half of my great singers had moved on to less busy venues.

The second biggie is that most of the great singers couldn't afford to go out very often, and unless they brought spenders with them, added very little value to the bar. Your idea sounds great, but it will alienate many from ever coming back.

Author:  djdon [ Tue May 23, 2017 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

The membership of only good singers goes directly against your motto of, 'Karaoke is not about how good your singing is, it's about having a good time.'

Sure, it'd be nice, in theory, not to have to listen to the worst of the worst every week, but that's not what it's all about, right?

Author:  Alan B [ Tue May 23, 2017 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

djdon wrote:
The membership of only good singers goes directly against your motto of, 'Karaoke is not about how good your singing is, it's about having a good time.'

Yes, and I've always stuck to that. But it sure is nice to dream, isn't it?

Author:  TopherM [ Tue May 23, 2017 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

The ones I know that hate karaoke either hate it regardless of whether the singers are good or not, and/or actually hate the good singers worse than the bad singers, and actually seem to have a good time making fun of the bad singers.

I agree, unless your bar has more business than it needs, why alienate a big segment of possible customers?

Author:  Toastedmuffin [ Wed May 24, 2017 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

If someone can't stand listening to karaoke singers all night... there are other bars they can go visit! I won't change what we have been doing for 20 years because someone is too lazy to find a bar that fits what they want.

As for something like a membership... let me counter with a "special performance". You could invite your premium singers to do their show-stopper songs, without the fear of turning someone off.

You could promote it as a full night (preferably an a night when you don't do karaoke) or a time slot (say maybe pre-show as to not interrupt your regular karaoke night) where the rules are different. No screens showing the lyrics, maybe costumed or dressed up, etc.. Most of your premium singers would probably be honored to be part of that kind of night!

Author:  NoShameKaraoke [ Thu May 25, 2017 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

Alan B wrote:
BUT... wouldn't it be nice if all of your singers were good? It would certainly make the night much more enjoyable and bearable. And non singers would look forward to coming out because they know they're going to be entertained by someone who CAN sing.

I would miss karaoke so much.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Thu May 25, 2017 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

Toastedmuffin wrote:
You could promote it as a full night (preferably an a night when you don't do karaoke) or a time slot (say maybe pre-show as to not interrupt your regular karaoke night) where the rules are different. No screens showing the lyrics, maybe costumed or dressed up, etc.. Most of your premium singers would probably be honored to be part of that kind of night!

a friend in Chicago did this. my wife did Stevie Nicks, i did Garth Brooks. had us dress and act the part. we each did 3 songs from that artist with no lyric screen, i think there were 8 or 9 of us total. it was a whole lot of fun.

Author:  Brian A [ Thu May 25, 2017 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

All singers good or bad are welcome to sing at my show. Karaoke is supposed to be fun, not cutthroat competition. I have a singer not as good as the others, a little tone deaf & simply sings off-key at times; but he’s always upbeat with a good sense of humor.

He knows he’s not good at singing so one night he wore this hilarious t-shirt as a self-deprecating humor & just to have fun. He leaves the stage & earned the loudest endearing applause that night. :D The song: "Hurts So Good" by Mellencamp.
Kke3.png [ 1.3 MiB | Viewed 23577 times ]

Author:  jclaydon [ Thu May 25, 2017 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

When I lived in Vancouver, there was a singer there who couldn't sing a single note on key, probably even if his life depended on it. He called himself B-large. Some of us called him "B-Flat" as a term of affection.

That guy was actually a ton of fun to listen to. Why? Because he had more enthusiasm and stage precence then ANY other singer I have ever met in my 20 years of singing karaoke. He was amazing at keeping the crowd entertained.

So no, I think I would stick to your policy of "karaoke is about having fun"

Author:  mrmarog [ Fri May 26, 2017 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

Brian A wrote:
All singers good or bad are welcome to sing at my show. Karaoke is supposed to be fun, not cutthroat competition. I have a singer not as good as the others, a little tone deaf & simply sings off-key at times; but he’s always upbeat with a good sense of humor.

He knows he’s not good at singing so one night he wore this hilarious t-shirt as a self-deprecating humor & just to have fun. He leaves the stage & earned the loudest endearing applause that night. :D The song: "Hurts So Good" by Mellencamp.

Brian has a tremendously fun show and he even let my wife and I sing the night we were there. He's so willing to please I think he would have let my dog sing (and she loves to sing). :lol:

Author:  The Lone Ranger [ Fri May 26, 2017 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

8) I have always felt that karaoke is an art form, others would disagree but there it is. I say an art form because if gives each of us a chance for artistic expression. I do believe that in each of us is a desire to create. Some of us are just better at creating than others. Entertainment is in the eye of the beholder much in the same way art is. What is art to one person may not be in the eye of another. The host is the one who puts the show together, a vehicle so patrons can express themselves. At least this is my view of karaoke, I work very hard to make all welcome, and to build up a sense of comrade ship among singers. That is why I really don't care for contests, although I recently did one for the local VFW. Just a one night affair to raise money for Veterans programs. What gets me is someone coming to a venue on the night there is karaoke and complaining about it. If they don't like it go some where else for the evening, that night is set aside for the people who want to participate. It is just like the grumpy old man or woman who complains the music is too loud and then goes and sits close to the speakers. If it's too loud move to the back of the room.

Author:  Brian A [ Fri May 26, 2017 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lot Of People Can't Stand Karaoke

mrmarog wrote:
Brian A wrote:
All singers good or bad are welcome to sing at my show. Karaoke is supposed to be fun, not cutthroat competition. I have a singer not as good as the others, a little tone deaf & simply sings off-key at times; but he’s always upbeat with a good sense of humor.

He knows he’s not good at singing so one night he wore this hilarious t-shirt as a self-deprecating humor & just to have fun. He leaves the stage & earned the loudest endearing applause that night. :D The song: "Hurts So Good" by Mellencamp.

Brian has a tremendously fun show and he even let my wife and I sing the night we were there. He's so willing to please I think he would have let my dog sing (and she loves to sing). :lol:

Never thought of that, roger. I could’ve let your dog sing. Scenario: we prop her up sitting on the bar stool next to the mic. I’ll play the song “Tequila” by the Champs, your dog will substitute the word tequila to ‘Schnitzel’! 8)

That would be amazing. It’ll blow the roof off the place. Well, next time till I see you & your family again. Thanks, we enjoyed your company as well.

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