We do our shows and home fun with 100% computer... We have invested loads on disc's, but storing and running this stuff on computer is so much easier. If someone does happen to have a CDG with them that I don't have... Rarely happens.. Actually only one time..
we simply play the CDG with the computer.
The DSP Key changer software for computers are garbage. I've tried so many of them and don't recomend anyone wasting their time.
A buddy just bought a mixer with digital key change capabilities and it works pretty good overall...
We just got an AKM706 from Audio2000... It works really good on some songs, and other's sound like garbage... But... it still works better than trying to use software to achive the same effect. DSP chip works better than computer software doing the same thing.. Don't know why, but it just does...
If your slinging disc's, then get a key change player. If your computer, then get something similar to what we just picked up.
But know this.. A key change up or down will never sound as good as the original recorded key. If someone ask for a key change we make sure that they know what they are talking about and are aware that the quality of the song might be less than the original.
Now with that said, I agree... you always get some joker that wants to key a rock song way down because they like it, or a lady that want's to take a song up 4 notches for the same.. But... You can count on someone at least wanting a key up or down some for each gig..
Take Care and Sing on...
Don't just say it.... Sing it...