Okay... so, my bf's step dad runs a kj gig 5 nights/week at a pretty nice bar. My bf's mom used to run it with him, and she was actually the techie one (had the info, had the ear, was the fix-it-jack-of-all-trades woman) but kj wasn't paying the rent and so she got a job... this is probably a pretty simple question to answer so here goes... :: The cordless mic gets a 'cackle' sort of sound sometimes, mostly when a person stands on one side of the antennas that go with the cordless set. It doesn't happen when the person stands on the other side (so one antenna makes the mic crack/cackle, one doesn't.) Can this be fixed with some wiring, taken to a shop, etc. or is it just cheaper and smarter to get a newer and more modern set of cordless mics... the cackle really makes some people mad!!