Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

bringing new members
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Author:  lenny [ Tue Dec 07, 2004 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  bringing new members

:D i'm bringing at least 4 to 6 new prospective members, to karaoke scene, mostly because , i'm so green as to what to do as far as sending in my songs, i figure one or more of the people i recruit, will be able to help me in person, since it took me 3 days to figure out that i needed mp3, system to send it. however, now that i just purchased the package, of course i'm stuck after downloading it, so again i'll have to wait another few days , for a computer literate person to help me. my problem so far if anyone can figure out my next step . my ubs is plugged in so is my little hand held gadget which only showsfreq mode fm:92.3mhz and thats it? the battery is good , cant get volumeeven after pressing all the buttons . the screen never changes. thanks for any little advise , ill go it a step at a time till my expert son in law comes over[/b]

Author:  Tony [ Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I am sorry, but this sounds extremely confusing to me. Quite frankly, I have no idea what you are talking about? Try to be clear and to the point with your question/s. What "gadgets" are you talking about? Please try to re-formulate your question. Remember, we are not there to see what you have in your hands.

Author:  Atomic [ Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:58 am ]
Post subject: 

AllStar wrote:
Remember, we are not there to see what you have in your hands.

:shock: :shock:

Sorry, my dirty mind is playing up again..... :twisted:

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