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Gizmo to remove vocals from a song?
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Author:  wrybread [ Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Gizmo to remove vocals from a song?

Someone once recommended a gizmo to me that they said does a good job of removing vocals from a song to make homebrew karaoke tracks. I can't remember what it was though. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Author:  TopherM [ Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gizmo to remove vocals from a song?

Some advise if you are going to get a gizmo:

1) No bright light
2) Don't get it wet
3) Don't feed it after midnight

Author:  Karaoke Croaker [ Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gizmo to remove vocals from a song?

If you're looking for quality backing tracks, these Gizmos will NOT give them to you. If you're looking to just goof around in your basement with these altered tracks, the results are hit and miss. Some songs will give you a good result while some songs will sound absolutely terrible after trying to remove the vocals. Try to find the songs you want to sing from a reputable backing track maker whenever possible. After going through the trouble of removing the vocals and creating a graphics file for the track, you will be disappointed 90% of the time with the result. You can Google "Vocal removal software" to get a list of options. Have fun with it but don't expect any high quality audio.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Apr 13, 2016 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gizmo to remove vocals from a song?

wrybread wrote:
Someone once recommended a gizmo to me that they said does a good job of removing vocals from a song to make homebrew karaoke tracks. I can't remember what it was though. Does anyone have any recommendations?

MTU Vogone works as good as any of the others. All of them work on the same principle - finding the 'like' frequencies on both channels & cancelling them out - which a lot of times vocals are panned dead center but often times not. The MTU is probably more versatile than other as it allows you to change staging and add some bass frequencies that usually get lost back into the mix.
Now on that same note, there are also a lot of instruments that are also panned dead center that will also be removed leaving an empty sounding track behind. Or if the vocals are slightly off pan, there will always be some background vocals left. You will often hear the effects that were used on the vocals as these are often panned differently in each channel and won't be affected.
Then any mono recordings - won't work at all since everything is the same on both channels.

Author:  BigJer [ Wed Apr 13, 2016 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gizmo to remove vocals from a song?

I built a karaoke vocal remover from a kit back in the 90s.

Results were pretty much as already described, but there was a low pass filter for the bass that routed the bass frequencies around the cancellation hardware and remixed the bass in after cancellation.

My experience with the thing was it softened vocals, but didn't totally eliminate them. The tracks sounded OK, otherwise.

Author:  MrBoo [ Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gizmo to remove vocals from a song?

Several of the Beringer mixers had voice cancelling as an option. I had two that had it but I never tried it. I have used MTU's Vogone with moderate to good results depending on the song. I'll usually bring the new, vocal removed track and the original into Cake Walk and remix again there. I'll leave the parts of the original that are instrument only and remove the parts of the original where vocals are removed. It's work but it makes the end result much more pleasing.

Author:  Robin Dean [ Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gizmo to remove vocals from a song?

Alesis make a couple of units, Thompson makes one .. none work great that I've heard.

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