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Long time no see......(feening for Orlando Karaoke)
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Author:  dbk1009 [ Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Long time no see......(feening for Orlando Karaoke)

Been lurking alot without time to post, and holy cow alot has gone on here!

I just checked the club listings, and noticed there was only 1 place listed in Orlando. I am leaving on Wed. for 5 days, staying at Universal Studios Portifino.

Anyone know of a good show around there, or dreaded contest? I will be there Wed-Sun.


Author:  knightshow [ Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

wb dbk!

check out harryoke - Harry is a great online friend, and from what I hear, his shows are the best. He's in the Orlando area!

Author:  timberlea [ Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't think Harry's running any shows. I believe he's still recovering from rolling his van. Please correct me if I am wrong. But in any case he should be able to give you some guidance.

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

his shows are being covered by other people... but yeah, he should be able to point you to someone!

Author:  Lito [ Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm, karaoke in Orlando, especially by Universal Studios.

Katie Joyce is no longer at the Twin Towers, hotel changed hands and due to the hurricanes somebody at corporate decided to cut back on everything, including entertainment,(which in my opinion was stupid, she was bringing in a crowd).

There's always Kimono's at the Swan Hotel at Disney.

On International Drive there's always Murphy's & Black Angus.

Or you can catch my show at O'Shucks this Wed. night, I'll be filling in for the regular host on that night, I usually do Mondays there. It is also on I-Drive, right behind the donut shop, underneath a big billboard.

They do karaoke 5 nights a week there,(Sun-Thurs) usually a different host every night,(Steve-Sun., Me-Mon., Katie Joyce-Tues., Madell (the boss)-Wed., Suzi-Thurs.). Bands on Fri. & Sat.. They also have the best drink prices for the tourist area.

On friday pick up a newspaper for the Entertainment section for other listings of other places around town.

I do a show on Sat. nights, but it is at a different place that is on the north side of Orlando, quite a bit of a drive from Universal.

If you come in on Wed. night let me know who you are & the first round of drinks are on me.

Enjoy your vacation while you are here.

Author:  dbk1009 [ Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks alot Lito. Lot of good info!

And you may very well see me, as Wed is the day we get in, and will probably be the least exausted!

And Harryoke, if your there, I'd like to hear from you too!

And a few years ago, I stumbled onto karaoke IN the Mowtown cafe in Citywalk, not the recording booth, but real karaoke, run coincidently by some friends from down my way. Do they still have karaoke anywhere in Citywalk, and/or has anyone in that area run into a B&R Entertainment (Brenda & Ritchie), I believe they moved up there from here (Ft Laud area)

Thanks again guys!

Author:  Lito [ Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:26 pm ]
Post subject: 


As you know, the Orlando area is a BIG area, there are hundreds of bars & entertainment outlets for karaoke, I don't know all of them or any of the hosts mentioned. The competition in this entertainment/tourist town is pretty fierce sometimes, but there is enough work for quality entertainers.

Some of the best places are not listed in the Friday entertainment section, but it's a start.

Ummm, as for City Walk, I heard some radio ads for karaoke there a few months back, but not sure if they are still doing it. I heard of a few complaints about the person who was doing it there,(not going to get into details here), definately call ahead to Universal when you get into town to verify if the still have it.

Hope to see you on Wed. night, the drink offer is a standing rule of mine when anybody from out of town, (DJ's, VJ's, karaoke hosts, and singers that I meet on the chat boards) that comes in and visits any of my shows.

Talk to you later.


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