karaokeniagarafalls wrote:
i'm referring to the meters
me too...
karaokeniagarafalls wrote:
, I'm referring to Boosting channel "input" gain into the "Red" +20DB (Distortion will occur when going to 45 - 50 DB)
now if you are talking about how much gain is being applied to the mic, than you are still wrong. adding 20dB gain to a 58 won't put you into the red, unless you have a singer with volume. i'll clip it at the setting., but the next singer will be nearly inaudible. this is what i am talking about. when you have spoken about gain you give absolutes and there is no such thing. if you push a mic into the red continuously (that is +16 for most mixers) you are clipping. that is not a smooth tube llike distortion, but a hard clip (with the exception of high end boards...Midas, SSL etc).
karaokeniagarafalls wrote:
and lowing the "Output" -20 DB (master faders) resulting ain a "Hot" but clean sound.
lowering the faders does nothing for the already slipped signal distorting. it's already ruined.
running hot into an old Studer is a normal occurrence, but that is tape saturation, not signal clipping.
karaokeniagarafalls wrote:
This is besides gain structures, It's just a trick in the "Digital" recording world tis all.
digital is the last place you want to run hot. in digital you actually run signals lower than in the analog world.