so at this one spot where i host at, there's a regular who'll ask me to throw on any karaoke song beat and he'll freestyle over it
lemme stop right here and say i DESPISE freestylers at karaoke. DESPISE it. and i love rap. i just feel that there are other venues for that.
but this regular is a nice guy and it's purely for entertainment. he won't be signed to any record deals anytime soon. and i put him on because he's not freestyling for the crowd. he freestyles for himself which i kinda respect more than someone who freestyles to show off to the crowd. plus when he raps freestyle he continues without a single pause
at all
so, KJs, for fun, gimme a karaoke beat for me to throw on for him. i'm running out of stuff for him to freestyle over. he said give him any beat.