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Recently purchased Acetronix dgx-213
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Author:  Elprez [ Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Recently purchased Acetronix dgx-213

Hi folks, thanks for allowing me to join! I have a quick question as I am testing out the player and have ran into some songs where the words are about 5 seconds ahead of the music. Some songs are synced correctly and play fine. I wanted to check to see if this is my player causing this or is it the fault of the file and the way it was created?

Author:  karaokeniagarafalls [ Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recently purchased Acetronix dgx-213

Elprez wrote:
Hi folks, thanks for allowing me to join! I have a quick question as I am testing out the player and have ran into some songs where the words are about 5 seconds ahead of the music. Some songs are synced correctly and play fine. I wanted to check to see if this is my player causing this or is it the fault of the file and the way it was created?

I've tried a few different players from Acetronics and had no issues? You will get your best answer from Acetronics support directly.

Just wondering:

1) what is the brand of song? (e.g.: CB, SF, etc)
2) Where is the song playing from? (USB Hard Drive, USB stick, SSD Card reader)
3) What file format are you using?
4) what is the size of the hard drive.

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